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MED Associates Activity Monitor software (RRID:SCR_014296)
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URL: http://www.med-associates.com/product/activity-monitor/

Proper Citation: MED Associates Activity Monitor software (RRID:SCR_014296)

Description: Software designed to record and organize data. All experiments and subject data are entered into a database, with all subject data linked together allowing the software to track everything, and save it based on the assigned Subject ID. All standard data is displayed in real time along with a cumulative plot of the subject’s activity for all chambers. Users may choose the specific chamber size allowing for distance traveled to be measured in real units instead of beams broken. A rotational analysis option allows examination of large or small rotations, allowing for rotational measures to be obtained on staggering, ataxic, lesioned, or other loco-motor impaired mice or rats. Zonal analysis allows the user to change boundaries around the animal in post analysis. Up to eight systems can be connected to one computer.

Synonyms: MED Associates Activity Monitor, Activity Monitor

Resource Type: software resource, data management software, software application

Keywords: data management software, rotational measures, record data, organize data

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