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RRID:SCR_008020 RRID Copied      
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Buzsaki Lab (RRID:SCR_008020)
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URL: http://www.buzsakilab.com/

Proper Citation: Buzsaki Lab (RRID:SCR_008020)

Description: Lab interested in understanding how neuronal circuitries of the brain support its cognitive capacities. Its goal is to provide rational, mechanistic explanations of cognitive functions at a descriptive level. In the lab''s view, the most promising area of cognitive faculties for scientific inquiry is memory, since it is a well-circumscribed term, can be studied in animals and substantial knowledge has accumulated on the molecular mechanisms of synaptic plasticity. Available software: * NeuroScope: NeuroScope can display local field potentials (EEG), neuronal spikes, behavioral events, as well as the position of the animal in the environment. It also features limited editing capabilities. * Klusters: Klusters is a powerful and easy-to-use cluster cutting application designed to help neurophysiologists sort action potentials from multiple neurons on groups of electrodes (e.g., tetrodes or multisite silicon probes). * KlustaKwik: KlustaKwik is a program for automatic cluster analysis, specifically designed to run fast on large data sets. * MATLAB m-files: A selection of MATLAB files developed in the lab.

Abbreviations: Buzsaki Lab

Synonyms: Buzsaki''s Lab

Resource Type: laboratory portal, software resource, data processing software, organization portal, software application, portal, data or information resource, data analysis software

Keywords: eeg, electrode, environment, funtion, animal, application, behavioral, brain, capacity, circuit, cluster, cognitive, hippocampal, hippocampus, laboratory, local field potential, mechanism, memory, molecular, neuron, neuronal, plasticity, research, scientific, spike, synaptic, tetrode

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