A viral infectious disease that results in infection, located in respiratory tract, has_material_basis_in Influenzavirus A (Alphainfluenzavirus), has_material_basis_in Influenzavirus B (Betainfluenzavirus), or has_material_basis_in Influenzavirus C (Gammainfluenzavirus), which are transmitted_by droplet spread of oronasal secretions during coughing, sneezing, or talking from an infected person. It is a highly contagious disease that affects birds and mammals and has_symptom chills, has_symptom fever, has_symptom sore throat, has_symptom runny nose, has_symptom muscle pains, has_symptom severe headache, has_symptom cough, and has_symptom weakness.
Exact Synonyms
influenza with non-respiratory manifestation
Influenza with other manifestations
class Information
class Relations
Subclass of
- respiratory system disease
- viral infectious disease
- (has_material_basis_inidosomeAlphainfluenzavirusncbitaxonorhas_material_basis_inidosomeBetainfluenzavirusncbitaxonorhas_material_basis_inidosomeGammainfluenzavirusncbitaxon)
- transmitted byrosomedroplet spread transmissiontrans
- has symptomrosomesevere headachesymp
- has symptomrosomeweaknesssymp
- has symptomrosomerhinorrheasymp
- has symptomrosomefeversymp
- has symptomrosomecoughsymp
- has symptomrosomemuscle painsymp
- has symptomrosomechillssymp
- has symptomrosomepharynx inflammationsymp
- disease has locationrosomerespiratory systemuberon
Related from
contributes to condition