KEGG   DISEASE: Joubert syndrome and related disorders
H00530                      Disease                                
Joubert syndrome and related disorders
Arima syndrome [DS:H01811]
Senior-Loken syndrome [DS:H00538]
COACH syndrome [DS:H01001]
Joubert syndrome (JBTS) and related disorders are a group of multiple congenital anomaly syndromes characterized by 'molar tooth sign', a specific midbrain-hindbrain malformation seen in brain images. JBTS is associated with retinal dystrophy, nephronophthisis, liver fibrosis and polydactyly. Most of the causative genes encode cilium-related proteins.
Congenital malformation
Human diseases in ICD-11 classification [BR:br08403]
 20 Developmental anomalies
  Multiple developmental anomalies or syndromes
   LD20  Syndromes with central nervous system anomalies as a major feature
    H00530  Joubert syndrome and related disorders
Pathway-based classification of diseases [BR:br08402]
 Signal transduction
  nt06501  HH signaling
   H00530  Joubert syndrome and related disorders
hsa04340  Hedgehog signaling pathway
nt06501 HH signaling
(JBTS1) INPP5E [HSA:56623] [KO:K20278]
(JBTS2) TMEM216 [HSA:51259] [KO:K19385]
(JBTS3) AHI1 [HSA:54806] [KO:K16740]
(JBTS4) NPHP1 [HSA:4867] [KO:K19657]
(JBTS5) CEP290 [HSA:80184] [KO:K16533]
(JBTS6) TMEM67 [HSA:91147] [KO:K19348]
(JBTS7) RPGRIP1L [HSA:23322] [KO:K16550]
(JBTS8) ARL13B [HSA:200894] [KO:K07962]
(JBTS9) CC2D2A [HSA:57545] [KO:K19352]
(JBTS10) OFD1 [HSA:8481] [KO:K16480]
(JBTS11) TTC21B [HSA:79809] [KO:K19673]
(JBTS12) KIF7 [HSA:374654] [KO:K18806]
(JBTS13) TCTN1 [HSA:79600] [KO:K19382]
(JBTS14) TMEM237 [HSA:65062] [KO:K22765]
(JBTS15) CEP41 [HSA:95681] [KO:K16455]
(JBTS16) TMEM138 [HSA:51524] [KO:K22867]
(JBTS17) CPLANE1 [HSA:65250] [KO:K22859]
(JBTS18) TCTN3 [HSA:26123] [KO:K19382]
(JBTS19) ZNF423 [HSA:23090] [KO:K22870]
(JBTS20) TMEM231 [HSA:79583] [KO:K19362]
(JBTS21) CSPP1 [HSA:79848] [KO:K16771]
(JBTS22) PDE6D [HSA:5147] [KO:K13758]
(JBTS23) JBTS23 [HSA:9786] [KO:K22865]
(JBTS24) TCTN2 [HSA:79867] [KO:K19361]
(JBTS25) CEP104 [HSA:9731] [KO:K16458]
(JBTS26) KATNIP [HSA:23247] [KO:K22858]
(JBTS27) B9D1 [HSA:27077] [KO:K16744]
(JBTS28) MKS1 [HSA:54903] [KO:K19332]
(JBTS29) TMEM107 [HSA:84314] [KO:K22764]
(JBTS30) ARMC9 [HSA:80210] [KO:K22864]
(JBTS31) CEP120 [HSA:153241] [KO:K16459]
(JBTS32) SUFU [HSA:51684] [KO:K06229]
(JBTS33) PIBF1 [HSA:10464] [KO:K16538]
(JBTS34) B9D2 [HSA:80776] [KO:K16745]
(JBTS35) ARL3 [HSA:403] [KO:K07944]
(JBTS36) FAM149B1 [HSA:317662] [KO:K24653]
(JBTS37) TOGARAM1 [HSA:23116] [KO:K24886]
(JBTS38) JBTS38 [HSA:9851] [KO:K21765]
(JBTS39) TMEM218 [HSA:219854] [KO:K26674]
(JBTS40) IFT74 [HSA:80173] [KO:K19679]
Other DBs
ICD-11: LD20.00
MeSH: C536293 C536294 C536295 C536296 C537688 C537689 C566916 C567358 C567364 C567582
OMIM: 213300 608091 608629 609583 610188 610688 611560 612291 612285 300804 613820 200990 614173 614424 614464 614465 614615 614815 614844 614970 615636 615665 616490 616654 616781 616784 617120 617121 617562 617622 617761 617757 617767 614175 618161 618763 619185 619476 619562 619582
Brugmann SA, Cordero DR, Helms JA
Craniofacial ciliopathies: A new classification for craniofacial disorders.
Am J Med Genet A 152A:2995-3006 (2010)
Brancati F, Dallapiccola B, Valente EM
Joubert Syndrome and related disorders.
Orphanet J Rare Dis 5:20 (2010)
PMID:19668216 (INPP5E)
Bielas SL, Silhavy JL, Brancati F, Kisseleva MV, Al-Gazali L, Sztriha L, Bayoumi RA, Zaki MS, Abdel-Aleem A, Rosti RO, Kayserili H, Swistun D, Scott LC, Bertini E, Boltshauser E, Fazzi E, Travaglini L, Field SJ, Gayral S, Jacoby M, Schurmans S, Dallapiccola B, Majerus PW, Valente EM, Gleeson JG
Mutations in INPP5E, encoding inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase E, link phosphatidyl inositol signaling to the ciliopathies.
Nat Genet 41:1032-6 (2009)
PMID:20036350 (TMEM216)
Edvardson S, Shaag A, Zenvirt S, Erlich Y, Hannon GJ, Shanske AL, Gomori JM, Ekstein J, Elpeleg O
Joubert syndrome 2 (JBTS2) in Ashkenazi Jews is associated with a TMEM216 mutation.
Am J Hum Genet 86:93-7 (2010)
PMID:15322546 (AHI1)
Ferland RJ, Eyaid W, Collura RV, Tully LD, Hill RS, Al-Nouri D, Al-Rumayyan A, Topcu M, Gascon G, Bodell A, Shugart YY, Ruvolo M, Walsh CA
Abnormal cerebellar development and axonal decussation due to mutations in AHI1 in Joubert syndrome.
Nat Genet 36:1008-13 (2004)
PMID:15138899 (NPHP1)
Parisi MA, Bennett CL, Eckert ML, Dobyns WB, Gleeson JG, Shaw DW, McDonald R, Eddy A, Chance PF, Glass IA
The NPHP1 gene deletion associated with juvenile nephronophthisis is present in a subset of individuals with Joubert syndrome.
Am J Hum Genet 75:82-91 (2004)
PMID:16682973 (CEP290)
Sayer JA, Otto EA, O'Toole JF, Nurnberg G, Kennedy MA, Becker C, Hennies HC, Helou J, Attanasio M, Fausett BV, Utsch B, Khanna H, Liu Y, Drummond I, Kawakami I, Kusakabe T, Tsuda M, Ma L, Lee H, Larson RG, Allen SJ, Wilkinson CJ, Nigg EA, Shou C, Lillo C, Williams DS, Hoppe B, Kemper MJ, Neuhaus T, Parisi MA, Glass IA, Petry M, Kispert A, Gloy J, Ganner A, Walz G, Zhu X, Goldman D, Nurnberg P, Swaroop A, Leroux MR, Hildebrandt F
The centrosomal protein nephrocystin-6 is mutated in Joubert syndrome and activates transcription factor ATF4.
Nat Genet 38:674-81 (2006)
PMID:17160906 (TMEM67)
Baala L, Romano S, Khaddour R, Saunier S, Smith UM, Audollent S, Ozilou C, Faivre L, Laurent N, Foliguet B, Munnich A, Lyonnet S, Salomon R, Encha-Razavi F, Gubler MC, Boddaert N, de Lonlay P, Johnson CA, Vekemans M, Antignac C, Attie-Bitach T
The Meckel-Gruber syndrome gene, MKS3, is mutated in Joubert syndrome.
Am J Hum Genet 80:186-94 (2007)
PMID:17558409 (RPGRIP1L)
Delous M, Baala L, Salomon R, Laclef C, Vierkotten J, Tory K, Golzio C, Lacoste T, Besse L, Ozilou C, Moutkine I, Hellman NE, Anselme I, Silbermann F, Vesque C, Gerhardt C, Rattenberry E, Wolf MT, Gubler MC, Martinovic J, Encha-Razavi F, Boddaert N, Gonzales M, Macher MA, Nivet H, Champion G, Bertheleme JP, Niaudet P, McDonald F, Hildebrandt F, Johnson CA, Vekemans M, Antignac C, Ruther U, Schneider-Maunoury S, Attie-Bitach T, Saunier S
The ciliary gene RPGRIP1L is mutated in cerebello-oculo-renal syndrome (Joubert syndrome type B) and Meckel syndrome.
Nat Genet 39:875-81 (2007)
PMID:18674751 (ARL13B)
Cantagrel V, Silhavy JL, Bielas SL, Swistun D, Marsh SE, Bertrand JY, Audollent S, Attie-Bitach T, Holden KR, Dobyns WB, Traver D, Al-Gazali L, Ali BR, Lindner TH, Caspary T, Otto EA, Hildebrandt F, Glass IA, Logan CV, Johnson CA, Bennett C, Brancati F, Valente EM, Woods CG, Gleeson JG
Mutations in the cilia gene ARL13B lead to the classical form of Joubert syndrome.
Am J Hum Genet 83:170-9 (2008)
PMID:18387594 (CC2D2A)
Noor A, Windpassinger C, Patel M, Stachowiak B, Mikhailov A, Azam M, Irfan M, Siddiqui ZK, Naeem F, Paterson AD, Lutfullah M, Vincent JB, Ayub M
CC2D2A, encoding a coiled-coil and C2 domain protein, causes autosomal-recessive mental retardation with retinitis pigmentosa.
Am J Hum Genet 82:1011-8 (2008)
PMID:19800048 (OFD1)
Coene KL, Roepman R, Doherty D, Afroze B, Kroes HY, Letteboer SJ, Ngu LH, Budny B, van Wijk E, Gorden NT, Azhimi M, Thauvin-Robinet C, Veltman JA, Boink M, Kleefstra T, Cremers FP, van Bokhoven H, de Brouwer AP
OFD1 is mutated in X-linked Joubert syndrome and interacts with LCA5-encoded lebercilin.
Am J Hum Genet 85:465-81 (2009)
PMID:21258341 (TTC21B)
Davis EE, Zhang Q, Liu Q, Diplas BH, Davey LM, Hartley J, Stoetzel C, Szymanska K, Ramaswami G, Logan CV, Muzny DM, Young AC, Wheeler DA, Cruz P, Morgan M, Lewis LR, Cherukuri P, Maskeri B, Hansen NF, Mullikin JC, Blakesley RW, Bouffard GG, Gyapay G, Rieger S, Tonshoff B, Kern I, Soliman NA, Neuhaus TJ, Swoboda KJ, Kayserili H, Gallagher TE, Lewis RA, Bergmann C, Otto EA, Saunier S, Scambler PJ, Beales PL, Gleeson JG, Maher ER, Attie-Bitach T, Dollfus H, Johnson CA, Green ED, Gibbs RA, Hildebrandt F, Pierce EA, Katsanis N
TTC21B contributes both causal and modifying alleles across the ciliopathy spectrum.
Nat Genet 43:189-96 (2011)
PMID:21633164 (KIF7)
Dafinger C, Liebau MC, Elsayed SM, Hellenbroich Y, Boltshauser E, Korenke GC, Fabretti F, Janecke AR, Ebermann I, Nurnberg G, Nurnberg P, Zentgraf H, Koerber F, Addicks K, Elsobky E, Benzing T, Schermer B, Bolz HJ
Mutations in KIF7 link Joubert syndrome with Sonic Hedgehog signaling and microtubule dynamics.
J Clin Invest 121:2662-7 (2011)
PMID:21725307 (TCTN1)
Garcia-Gonzalo FR, Corbit KC, Sirerol-Piquer MS, Ramaswami G, Otto EA, Noriega TR, Seol AD, Robinson JF, Bennett CL, Josifova DJ, Garcia-Verdugo JM, Katsanis N, Hildebrandt F, Reiter JF
A transition zone complex regulates mammalian ciliogenesis and ciliary membrane composition.
Nat Genet 43:776-84 (2011)
PMID:22152675 (TMEM237)
Huang L, Szymanska K, Jensen VL, Janecke AR, Innes AM, Davis EE, Frosk P, Li C, Willer JR, Chodirker BN, Greenberg CR, McLeod DR, Bernier FP, Chudley AE, Muller T, Shboul M, Logan CV, Loucks CM, Beaulieu CL, Bowie RV, Bell SM, Adkins J, Zuniga FI, Ross KD, Wang J, Ban MR, Becker C, Nurnberg P, Douglas S, Craft CM, Akimenko MA, Hegele RA, Ober C, Utermann G, Bolz HJ, Bulman DE, Katsanis N, Blacque OE, Doherty D, Parboosingh JS, Leroux MR, Johnson CA, Boycott KM
TMEM237 is mutated in individuals with a Joubert syndrome related disorder and expands the role of the TMEM family at the ciliary transition zone.
Am J Hum Genet 89:713-30 (2011)
PMID:22246503 (CEP41)
Lee JE, Silhavy JL, Zaki MS, Schroth J, Bielas SL, Marsh SE, Olvera J, Brancati F, Iannicelli M, Ikegami K, Schlossman AM, Merriman B, Attie-Bitach T, Logan CV, Glass IA, Cluckey A, Louie CM, Lee JH, Raynes HR, Rapin I, Castroviejo IP, Setou M, Barbot C, Boltshauser E, Nelson SF, Hildebrandt F, Johnson CA, Doherty DA, Valente EM, Gleeson JG
CEP41 is mutated in Joubert syndrome and is required for tubulin glutamylation at the cilium.
Nat Genet 44:193-9 (2012)
PMID:22282472 (TMEM138)
Lee JH, Silhavy JL, Lee JE, Al-Gazali L, Thomas S, Davis EE, Bielas SL, Hill KJ, Iannicelli M, Brancati F, Gabriel SB, Russ C, Logan CV, Sharif SM, Bennett CP, Abe M, Hildebrandt F, Diplas BH, Attie-Bitach T, Katsanis N, Rajab A, Koul R, Sztriha L, Waters ER, Ferro-Novick S, Woods CG, Johnson CA, Valente EM, Zaki MS, Gleeson JG
Evolutionarily assembled cis-regulatory module at a human ciliopathy locus.
Science 335:966-9 (2012)
PMID:22425360 (CPLANE1)
Srour M, Schwartzentruber J, Hamdan FF, Ospina LH, Patry L, Labuda D, Massicotte C, Dobrzeniecka S, Capo-Chichi JM, Papillon-Cavanagh S, Samuels ME, Boycott KM, Shevell MI, Laframboise R, Desilets V, Maranda B, Rouleau GA, Majewski J, Michaud JL
Mutations in C5ORF42 cause Joubert syndrome in the French Canadian population.
Am J Hum Genet 90:693-700 (2012)
PMID:22883145 (TCTN3)
Thomas S, Legendre M, Saunier S, Bessieres B, Alby C, Bonniere M, Toutain A, Loeuillet L, Szymanska K, Jossic F, Gaillard D, Yacoubi MT, Mougou-Zerelli S, David A, Barthez MA, Ville Y, Bole-Feysot C, Nitschke P, Lyonnet S, Munnich A, Johnson CA, Encha-Razavi F, Cormier-Daire V, Thauvin-Robinet C, Vekemans M, Attie-Bitach T
TCTN3 mutations cause Mohr-Majewski syndrome.
Am J Hum Genet 91:372-8 (2012)
PMID:22863007 (ZNF423)
Chaki M, Airik R, Ghosh AK, Giles RH, Chen R, Slaats GG, Wang H, Hurd TW, Zhou W, Cluckey A, Gee HY, Ramaswami G, Hong CJ, Hamilton BA, Cervenka I, Ganji RS, Bryja V, Arts HH, van Reeuwijk J, Oud MM, Letteboer SJ, Roepman R, Husson H, Ibraghimov-Beskrovnaya O, Yasunaga T, Walz G, Eley L, Sayer JA, Schermer B, Liebau MC, Benzing T, Le Corre S, Drummond I, Janssen S, Allen SJ, Natarajan S, O'Toole JF, Attanasio M, Saunier S, Antignac C, Koenekoop RK, Ren H, Lopez I, Nayir A, Stoetzel C, Dollfus H, Massoudi R, Gleeson JG, Andreoli SP, Doherty DG, Lindstrad A, Golzio C, Katsanis N, Pape L, Abboud EB, Al-Rajhi AA, Lewis RA, Omran H, Lee EY, Wang S, Sekiguchi JM, Saunders R, Johnson CA, Garner E, Vanselow K, Andersen JS, Shlomai J, Nurnberg G, Nurnberg P, Levy S, Smogorzewska A, Otto EA, Hildebrandt F
Exome capture reveals ZNF423 and CEP164 mutations, linking renal ciliopathies to DNA damage response signaling.
Cell 150:533-48 (2012)
PMID:23012439 (TMEM231)
Srour M, Hamdan FF, Schwartzentruber JA, Patry L, Ospina LH, Shevell MI, Desilets V, Dobrzeniecka S, Mathonnet G, Lemyre E, Massicotte C, Labuda D, Amrom D, Andermann E, Sebire G, Maranda B, Rouleau GA, Majewski J, Michaud JL
Mutations in TMEM231 cause Joubert syndrome in French Canadians.
J Med Genet 49:636-41 (2012)
PMID:24360807 (CSPP1)
Akizu N, Silhavy JL, Rosti RO, Scott E, Fenstermaker AG, Schroth J, Zaki MS, Sanchez H, Gupta N, Kabra M, Kara M, Ben-Omran T, Rosti B, Guemez-Gamboa A, Spencer E, Pan R, Cai N, Abdellateef M, Gabriel S, Halbritter J, Hildebrandt F, van Bokhoven H, Gunel M, Gleeson JG
Mutations in CSPP1 lead to classical Joubert syndrome.
Am J Hum Genet 94:80-6 (2014)
PMID:24166846 (PDE6D)
Thomas S, Wright KJ, Le Corre S, Micalizzi A, Romani M, Abhyankar A, Saada J, Perrault I, Amiel J, Litzler J, Filhol E, Elkhartoufi N, Kwong M, Casanova JL, Boddaert N, Baehr W, Lyonnet S, Munnich A, Burglen L, Chassaing N, Encha-Ravazi F, Vekemans M, Gleeson JG, Valente EM, Jackson PK, Drummond IA, Saunier S, Attie-Bitach T
A homozygous PDE6D mutation in Joubert syndrome impairs targeting of farnesylated INPP5E protein to the primary cilium.
Hum Mutat 35:137-46 (2014)
PMID:26096313 (JBTS23)
Bachmann-Gagescu R, Phelps IG, Dempsey JC, Sharma VA, Ishak GE, Boyle EA, Wilson M, Marques Lourenco C, Arslan M, Shendure J, Doherty D
KIAA0586 is Mutated in Joubert Syndrome.
Hum Mutat 36:831-5 (2015)
PMID:21565611 (TCTN2)
Sang L, Miller JJ, Corbit KC, Giles RH, Brauer MJ, Otto EA, Baye LM, Wen X, Scales SJ, Kwong M, Huntzicker EG, Sfakianos MK, Sandoval W, Bazan JF, Kulkarni P, Garcia-Gonzalo FR, Seol AD, O'Toole JF, Held S, Reutter HM, Lane WS, Rafiq MA, Noor A, Ansar M, Devi AR, Sheffield VC, Slusarski DC, Vincent JB, Doherty DA, Hildebrandt F, Reiter JF, Jackson PK
Mapping the NPHP-JBTS-MKS protein network reveals ciliopathy disease genes and pathways.
Cell 145:513-28 (2011)
PMID:26477546 (CEP104)
Srour M, Hamdan FF, McKnight D, Davis E, Mandel H, Schwartzentruber J, Martin B, Patry L, Nassif C, Dionne-Laporte A, Ospina LH, Lemyre E, Massicotte C, Laframboise R, Maranda B, Labuda D, Decarie JC, Rypens F, Goldsher D, Fallet-Bianco C, Soucy JF, Laberge AM, Maftei C, Boycott K, Brais B, Boucher RM, Rouleau GA, Katsanis N, Majewski J, Elpeleg O, Kukolich MK, Shalev S, Michaud JL
Joubert Syndrome in French Canadians and Identification of Mutations in CEP104.
Am J Hum Genet 97:744-53 (2015)
PMID:26714646 (KATNIP)
Sanders AA, de Vrieze E, Alazami AM, Alzahrani F, Malarkey EB, Sorusch N, Tebbe L, Kuhns S, van Dam TJ, Alhashem A, Tabarki B, Lu Q, Lambacher NJ, Kennedy JE, Bowie RV, Hetterschijt L, van Beersum S, van Reeuwijk J, Boldt K, Kremer H, Kesterson RA, Monies D, Abouelhoda M, Roepman R, Huynen MH, Ueffing M, Russell RB, Wolfrum U, Yoder BK, van Wijk E, Alkuraya FS, Blacque OE
KIAA0556 is a novel ciliary basal body component mutated in Joubert syndrome.
Genome Biol 16:293 (2015)
PMID:24886560 (B9D1 MKS1)
Romani M, Micalizzi A, Kraoua I, Dotti MT, Cavallin M, Sztriha L, Ruta R, Mancini F, Mazza T, Castellana S, Hanene B, Carluccio MA, Darra F, Mate A, Zimmermann A, Gouider-Khouja N, Valente EM
Mutations in B9D1 and MKS1 cause mild Joubert syndrome: expanding the genetic overlap with the lethal ciliopathy Meckel syndrome.
Orphanet J Rare Dis 9:72 (2014)
PMID:26595381 (TMEM107)
Lambacher NJ, Bruel AL, van Dam TJ, Szymanska K, Slaats GG, Kuhns S, McManus GJ, Kennedy JE, Gaff K, Wu KM, van der Lee R, Burglen L, Doummar D, Riviere JB, Faivre L, Attie-Bitach T, Saunier S, Curd A, Peckham M, Giles RH, Johnson CA, Huynen MA, Thauvin-Robinet C, Blacque OE
TMEM107 recruits ciliopathy proteins to subdomains of the ciliary transition zone and causes Joubert syndrome.
Nat Cell Biol 18:122-31 (2016)
PMID:28625504 (ARMC9)
Van De Weghe JC, Rusterholz TDS, Latour B, Grout ME, Aldinger KA, Shaheen R, Dempsey JC, Maddirevula S, Cheng YH, Phelps IG, Gesemann M, Goel H, Birk OS, Alanzi T, Rawashdeh R, Khan AO, Bamshad MJ, Nickerson DA, Neuhauss SCF, Dobyns WB, Alkuraya FS, Roepman R, Bachmann-Gagescu R, Doherty D
Mutations in ARMC9, which Encodes a Basal Body Protein, Cause Joubert Syndrome in Humans and Ciliopathy Phenotypes in Zebrafish.
Am J Hum Genet 101:23-36 (2017)
PMID:27208211 (CEP120)
Roosing S, Romani M, Isrie M, Rosti RO, Micalizzi A, Musaev D, Mazza T, Al-Gazali L, Altunoglu U, Boltshauser E, D'Arrigo S, De Keersmaecker B, Kayserili H, Brandenberger S, Kraoua I, Mark PR, McKanna T, Van Keirsbilck J, Moerman P, Poretti A, Puri R, Van Esch H, Gleeson JG, Valente EM
Mutations in CEP120 cause Joubert syndrome as well as complex ciliopathy phenotypes.
J Med Genet 53:608-15 (2016)
PMID:28965847 (SUFU)
De Mori R, Romani M, D'Arrigo S, Zaki MS, Lorefice E, Tardivo S, Biagini T, Stanley V, Musaev D, Fluss J, Micalizzi A, Nuovo S, Illi B, Chiapparini L, Di Marcotullio L, Issa MY, Anello D, Casella A, Ginevrino M, Leggins AS, Roosing S, Alfonsi R, Rosati J, Schot R, Mancini GMS, Bertini E, Dobyns WB, Mazza T, Gleeson JG, Valente EM
Hypomorphic Recessive Variants in SUFU Impair the Sonic Hedgehog Pathway and Cause Joubert Syndrome with Cranio-facial and Skeletal Defects.
Am J Hum Genet 101:552-563 (2017)
PMID:26167768 (PIBF1)
Wheway G, Schmidts M, Mans DA, Szymanska K, Nguyen TT, Racher H, Phelps IG, Toedt G, Kennedy J, Wunderlich KA, Sorusch N, Abdelhamed ZA, Natarajan S, Herridge W, van Reeuwijk J, Horn N, Boldt K, Parry DA, Letteboer SJF, Roosing S, Adams M, Bell SM, Bond J, Higgins J, Morrison EE, Tomlinson DC, Slaats GG, van Dam TJP, Huang L, Kessler K, Giessl A, Logan CV, Boyle EA, Shendure J, Anazi S, Aldahmesh M, Al Hazzaa S, Hegele RA, Ober C, Frosk P, Mhanni AA, Chodirker BN, Chudley AE, Lamont R, Bernier FP, Beaulieu CL, Gordon P, Pon RT, Donahue C, Barkovich AJ, Wolf L, Toomes C, Thiel CT, Boycott KM, McKibbin M, Inglehearn CF, Stewart F, Omran H, Huynen MA, Sergouniotis PI, Alkuraya FS, Parboosingh JS, Innes AM, Willoughby CE, Giles RH, Webster AR, Ueffing M, Blacque O, Gleeson JG, Wolfrum U, Beales PL, Gibson T, Doherty D, Mitchison HM, Roepman R, Johnson CA
An siRNA-based functional genomics screen for the identification of regulators of ciliogenesis and ciliopathy genes.
Nat Cell Biol 17:1074-1087 (2015)
PMID:26092869 (B9D2)
Bachmann-Gagescu R, Dempsey JC, Phelps IG, O'Roak BJ, Knutzen DM, Rue TC, Ishak GE, Isabella CR, Gorden N, Adkins J, Boyle EA, de Lacy N, O'Day D, Alswaid A, Ramadevi A R, Lingappa L, Lourenco C, Martorell L, Garcia-Cazorla A, Ozyurek H, Haliloglu G, Tuysuz B, Topcu M, Chance P, Parisi MA, Glass IA, Shendure J, Doherty D
Joubert syndrome: a model for untangling recessive disorders with extreme genetic heterogeneity.
J Med Genet 52:514-22 (2015)
PMID:30269812 (ARL3)
Alkanderi S, Molinari E, Shaheen R, Elmaghloob Y, Stephen LA, Sammut V, Ramsbottom SA, Srivastava S, Cairns G, Edwards N, Rice SJ, Ewida N, Alhashem A, White K, Miles CG, Steel DH, Alkuraya FS, Ismail S, Sayer JA
ARL3 Mutations Cause Joubert Syndrome by Disrupting Ciliary Protein Composition.
Am J Hum Genet 103:612-620 (2018)
PMID:30905400 (FAM149B1)
Shaheen R, Jiang N, Alzahrani F, Ewida N, Al-Sheddi T, Alobeid E, Musaev D, Stanley V, Hashem M, Ibrahim N, Abdulwahab F, Alshenqiti A, Sonmez FM, Saqati N, Alzaidan H, Al-Qattan MM, Al-Mohanna F, Gleeson JG, Alkuraya FS
Bi-allelic Mutations in FAM149B1 Cause Abnormal Primary Cilium and a Range of Ciliopathy Phenotypes in Humans.
Am J Hum Genet 104:731-737 (2019)
PMID:32453716 (TOGARAM1 ARMC9)
Latour BL, Van De Weghe JC, Rusterholz TD, Letteboer SJ, Gomez A, Shaheen R, Gesemann M, Karamzade A, Asadollahi M, Barroso-Gil M, Chitre M, Grout ME, van Reeuwijk J, van Beersum SE, Miller CV, Dempsey JC, Morsy H, Bamshad MJ, Nickerson DA, Neuhauss SC, Boldt K, Ueffing M, Keramatipour M, Sayer JA, Alkuraya FS, Bachmann-Gagescu R, Roepman R, Doherty D
Dysfunction of the ciliary ARMC9/TOGARAM1 protein module causes Joubert syndrome.
J Clin Invest 130:4423-4439 (2020)
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