KEGG   DISEASE: Autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney disease
H00541                      Disease                                
Autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney disease
Familial juvenile hyperuricemic nephropathy (HNFJ) [DS:H02011]
Medullary cystic kidney disease [DS:H02012]
Autosomal-dominant tubulointerstitial kidney disease (ADTKD) is a broad term that encompasses a group of largely monosystemic disorders characterized by renal tubular and interstitial abnormalities, leading to slow progressive loss of kidney function requiring dialysis and kidney transplantation. The clinical manifestations of typical ADTKD appear to be confined to the kidney, whereas atypical type caused by mutations in HNF1B results in variable extrarenal manifestations.
Urinary system disease
Human diseases in ICD-11 classification [BR:br08403]
 16 Diseases of the genitourinary system
  Diseases of the urinary system
   Cystic or dysplastic kidney disease
    GB82  Autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial disease
     H00541  Autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney disease
hsa04614  Renin-angiotensin system
(ADTKD1) UMOD [HSA:7369] [KO:K18274]
(ADTKD2) MUC1 [HSA:4582] [KO:K06568]
(ADTKD3) HNF1B [HSA:6928] [KO:K08034]
(ADTKD4) REN [HSA:5972] [KO:K01380]
(ADTKD5) SEC61A1 [HSA:29927] [KO:K10956]
(ADTKD6) APOA4 [HSA:337] [KO:K08760]
Other DBs
ICD-11: GB82
MeSH: C537696
OMIM: 162000 174000 137920 613092 617056 621106
Eckardt KU, Alper SL, Antignac C, Bleyer AJ, Chauveau D, Dahan K, Deltas C, Hosking A, Kmoch S, Rampoldi L, Wiesener M, Wolf MT, Devuyst O
Autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney disease: diagnosis, classification, and management--A KDIGO consensus report.
Kidney Int 88:676-83 (2015)
PMID:12471200 (ADTKD1)
Hart TC, Gorry MC, Hart PS, Woodard AS, Shihabi Z, Sandhu J, Shirts B, Xu L, Zhu H, Barmada MM, Bleyer AJ
Mutations of the UMOD gene are responsible for medullary cystic kidney disease 2 and familial juvenile hyperuricaemic nephropathy.
J Med Genet 39:882-92 (2002)
PMID:23396133 (ADTKD2)
Kirby A, Gnirke A, Jaffe DB, Baresova V, Pochet N, Blumenstiel B, Ye C, Aird D, Stevens C, Robinson JT, Cabili MN, Gat-Viks I, Kelliher E, Daza R, DeFelice M, Hulkova H, Sovova J, Vylet'al P, Antignac C, Guttman M, Handsaker RE, Perrin D, Steelman S, Sigurdsson S, Scheinman SJ, Sougnez C, Cibulskis K, Parkin M, Green T, Rossin E, Zody MC, Xavier RJ, Pollak MR, Alper SL, Lindblad-Toh K, Gabriel S, Hart PS, Regev A, Nusbaum C, Kmoch S, Bleyer AJ, Lander ES, Daly MJ
Mutations causing medullary cystic kidney disease type 1 lie in a large VNTR in MUC1 missed by massively parallel sequencing.
Nat Genet 45:299-303 (2013)
PMID:12675839 (ADTKD3)
Bingham C, Ellard S, van't Hoff WG, Simmonds HA, Marinaki AM, Badman MK, Winocour PH, Stride A, Lockwood CR, Nicholls AJ, Owen KR, Spyer G, Pearson ER, Hattersley AT
Atypical familial juvenile hyperuricemic nephropathy associated with a hepatocyte nuclear factor-1beta gene mutation.
Kidney Int 63:1645-51 (2003)
PMID:19664745 (ADTKD4)
Zivna M, Hulkova H, Matignon M, Hodanova K, Vylet'al P, Kalbacova M, Baresova V, Sikora J, Blazkova H, Zivny J, Ivanek R, Stranecky V, Sovova J, Claes K, Lerut E, Fryns JP, Hart PS, Hart TC, Adams JN, Pawtowski A, Clemessy M, Gasc JM, Gubler MC, Antignac C, Elleder M, Kapp K, Grimbert P, Bleyer AJ, Kmoch S
Dominant renin gene mutations associated with early-onset hyperuricemia, anemia, and chronic kidney failure.
Am J Hum Genet 85:204-13 (2009)
PMID:27392076 (ADTKD5)
Bolar NA, Golzio C, Zivna M, Hayot G, Van Hemelrijk C, Schepers D, Vandeweyer G, Hoischen A, Huyghe JR, Raes A, Matthys E, Sys E, Azou M, Gubler MC, Praet M, Van Camp G, McFadden K, Pediaditakis I, Pristoupilova A, Hodanova K, Vyletal P, Hartmannova H, Stranecky V, Hulkova H, Baresova V, Jedlickova I, Sovova J, Hnizda A, Kidd K, Bleyer AJ, Spong RS, Vande Walle J, Mortier G, Brunner H, Van Laer L, Kmoch S, Katsanis N, Loeys BL
Heterozygous Loss-of-Function SEC61A1 Mutations Cause Autosomal-Dominant Tubulo-Interstitial and Glomerulocystic Kidney Disease with Anemia.
Am J Hum Genet 99:174-87 (2016)
PMID:38096951 (ADTKD6)
Kmochova T, Kidd KO, Orr A, Hnizda A, Hartmannova H, Hodanova K, Vyletal P, Nausova K, Brinsa V, Treslova H, Sovova J, Baresova V, Svojsova K, Vrbacka A, Stranecky V, Robins VC, Taylor A, Martin L, Rivas-Chavez A, Payne R, Bleyer HA, Williams A, Rennke HG, Weins A, Short PJ, Agrawal V, Storsley LJ, Waikar SS, McPhail ED, Dasari S, Leung N, Hewlett T, Yorke J, Gaston D, Geldenhuys L, Samuels M, Levine AP, West M, Hulkova H, Pompach P, Novak P, Weinberg RB, Bedard K, Zivna M, Sikora J, Bleyer AJ Sr, Kmoch S
Autosomal dominant ApoA4 mutations present as tubulointerstitial kidney disease with medullary amyloidosis.
Kidney Int 105:799-811 (2024)

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