Bilateral sudden sensorineural hearing loss [DS:H01705]
Hereditary deafness is divided into syndromic forms (in which hearing loss is associated with a variety of other anomalies) and non-syndromic forms. Non-syndromic forms are responsible for 70% of the cases of hereditary etiology and syndromic cases represent 30% of them. Among the forms of heritage, autosomal-recessive inheritance is the most frequent one (75%-85%), followed by autosomal-dominant inheritance (12-13%) and X-linked or mitochondrial, with 2-3% of the cases of non-syndromic hearing loss. Autosomal-dominant forms of deafness are usually post-lingual and progressive. Dominant mutations may be consistent with initial function and subsequent hearing loss owing to accumulation of pathology.
Nervous system disease
Human diseases in ICD-11 classification [BR:br08403]
10 Diseases of the ear or mastoid process
Disorders with hearing impairment
AB50 Congenital hearing impairment
H00604 Deafness, autosomal dominant
Pathway-based classification of diseases [BR:br08402]
Cofactor/vitamin metabolism
nt06538 Cobalamin transport and metabolism
H00604 Deafness, autosomal dominant
Replication and repair
nt06509 DNA replication
H00604 Deafness, autosomal dominant
nt06506 Double-strand break repair
H00604 Deafness, autosomal dominant
Signal transduction
nt06528 Calcium signaling
H00604 Deafness, autosomal dominant
Cellular process
nt06535 Efferocytosis
H00604 Deafness, autosomal dominant
nt06539 Cytoskeleton in muscle cells
H00604 Deafness, autosomal dominant
nt06541 Cytoskeleton in neurons
H00604 Deafness, autosomal dominant
Immune system
nt06521 NLR signaling
H00604 Deafness, autosomal dominant
Xia JH, Liu CY, Tang BS, Pan Q, Huang L, Dai HP, Zhang BR, Xie W, Hu DX, Zheng D, Shi XL, Wang DA, Xia K, Yu KP, Liao XD, Feng Y, Yang YF, Xiao JY, Xie DH, Huang JZ
Mutations in the gene encoding gap junction protein beta-3 associated with autosomal dominant hearing impairment.
Grifa A, Wagner CA, D'Ambrosio L, Melchionda S, Bernardi F, Lopez-Bigas N, Rabionet R, Arbones M, Monica MD, Estivill X, Zelante L, Lang F, Gasparini P
Mutations in GJB6 cause nonsyndromic autosomal dominant deafness at DFNA3 locus.
Donaudy F, Snoeckx R, Pfister M, Zenner HP, Blin N, Di Stazio M, Ferrara A, Lanzara C, Ficarella R, Declau F, Pusch CM, Nurnberg P, Melchionda S, Zelante L, Ballana E, Estivill X, Van Camp G, Gasparini P, Savoia A
Nonmuscle myosin heavy-chain gene MYH14 is expressed in cochlea and mutated in patients affected by autosomal dominant hearing impairment (DFNA4).
Wang H, Wang X, He C, Li H, Qing J, Grati M, Hu Z, Li J, Hu Y, Xia K, Mei L, Wang X, Yu J, Chen H, Jiang L, Liu Y, Men M, Zhang H, Guan L, Xiao J, Zhang J, Liu X, Feng Y
Exome sequencing identifies a novel CEACAM16 mutation associated with autosomal dominant nonsyndromic hearing loss DFNA4B in a Chinese family.
Wesdorp M, de Koning Gans PAM, Schraders M, Oostrik J, Huynen MA, Venselaar H, Beynon AJ, van Gaalen J, Piai V, Voermans N, van Rossum MM, Hartel BP, Lelieveld SH, Wiel L, Verbist B, Rotteveel LJ, van Dooren MF, Lichtner P, Kunst HPM, Feenstra I, Admiraal RJC, Yntema HG, Hoefsloot LH, Pennings RJE, Kremer H
Heterozygous missense variants of LMX1A lead to nonsyndromic hearing impairment and vestibular dysfunction.
Verhoeven K, Van Laer L, Kirschhofer K, Legan PK, Hughes DC, Schatteman I, Verstreken M, Van Hauwe P, Coucke P, Chen A, Smith RJ, Somers T, Offeciers FE, Van de Heyning P, Richardson GP, Wachtler F, Kimberling WJ, Willems PJ, Govaerts PJ, Van Camp G
Mutations in the human alpha-tectorin gene cause autosomal dominant non-syndromic hearing impairment.
Melchionda S, Ahituv N, Bisceglia L, Sobe T, Glaser F, Rabionet R, Arbones ML, Notarangelo A, Di Iorio E, Carella M, Zelante L, Estivill X, Avraham KB, Gasparini P
MYO6, the human homologue of the gene responsible for deafness in Snell's waltzer mice, is mutated in autosomal dominant nonsyndromic hearing loss.
Hilgert N, Alasti F, Dieltjens N, Pawlik B, Wollnik B, Uyguner O, Delmaghani S, Weil D, Petit C, Danis E, Yang T, Pandelia E, Petersen MB, Goossens D, Favero JD, Sanati MH, Smith RJ, Van Camp G
Mutation analysis of TMC1 identifies four new mutations and suggests an additional deafness gene at loci DFNA36 and DFNB7/11.
Abe S, Katagiri T, Saito-Hisaminato A, Usami S, Inoue Y, Tsunoda T, Nakamura Y
Identification of CRYM as a candidate responsible for nonsyndromic deafness, through cDNA microarray analysis of human cochlear and vestibular tissues.
Zhao Y, Zhao F, Zong L, Zhang P, Guan L, Zhang J, Wang D, Wang J, Chai W, Lan L, Li Q, Han B, Yang L, Jin X, Yang W, Hu X, Wang X, Li N, Li Y, Petit C, Wang J, Wang HY, Wang Q
Exome sequencing and linkage analysis identified tenascin-C (TNC) as a novel causative gene in nonsyndromic hearing loss.
Thoenes M, Zimmermann U, Ebermann I, Ptok M, Lewis MA, Thiele H, Morlot S, Hess MM, Gal A, Eisenberger T, Bergmann C, Nurnberg G, Nurnberg P, Steel KP, Knipper M, Bolz HJ
OSBPL2 encodes a protein of inner and outer hair cell stereocilia and is mutated in autosomal dominant hearing loss (DFNA67).
Zazo Seco C, Serrao de Castro L, van Nierop JW, Morin M, Jhangiani S, Verver EJ, Schraders M, Maiwald N, Wesdorp M, Venselaar H, Spruijt L, Oostrik J, Schoots J, van Reeuwijk J, Lelieveld SH, Huygen PL, Insenser M, Admiraal RJ, Pennings RJ, Hoefsloot LH, Arias-Vasquez A, de Ligt J, Yntema HG, Jansen JH, Muzny DM, Huls G, van Rossum MM, Lupski JR, Moreno-Pelayo MA, Kunst HP, Kremer H
Allelic Mutations of KITLG, Encoding KIT Ligand, Cause Asymmetric and Unilateral Hearing Loss and Waardenburg Syndrome Type 2.
Li M, Mei L, He C, Chen H, Cai X, Liu Y, Tian R, Tian Q, Song J, Jiang L, Liu C, Wu H, Li T, Liu J, Li X, Yi Y, Yan D, Blanton SH, Hu Z, Liu X, Li J, Ling J, Feng Y
Extrusion pump ABCC1 was first linked with nonsyndromic hearing loss in humans by stepwise genetic analysis.
Li W, Sun J, Ling J, Li J, He C, Liu Y, Chen H, Men M, Niu Z, Deng Y, Li M, Li T, Wen J, Sang S, Li H, Wan Z, Richard EM, Chapagain P, Yan D, Liu XZ, Mei L, Feng Y
ELMOD3, a novel causative gene, associated with human autosomal dominant nonsyndromic and progressive hearing loss.
Smits JJ, Oostrik J, Beynon AJ, Kant SG, de Koning Gans PAM, Rotteveel LJC, Klein Wassink-Ruiter JS, Free RH, Maas SM, van de Kamp J, Merkus P, Koole W, Feenstra I, Admiraal RJC, Lanting CP, Schraders M, Yntema HG, Pennings RJE, Kremer H
De novo and inherited loss-of-function variants of ATP2B2 are associated with rapidly progressive hearing impairment.
Pater JA, Penney C, O'Rielly DD, Griffin A, Kamal L, Brownstein Z, Vona B, Vinkler C, Shohat M, Barel O, French CR, Singh S, Werdyani S, Burt T, Abdelfatah N, Houston J, Doucette LP, Squires J, Glaser F, Roslin NM, Vincent D, Marquis P, Woodland G, Benoukraf T, Hawkey-Noble A, Avraham KB, Stanton SG, Young TL
Autosomal dominant non-syndromic hearing loss maps to DFNA33 (13q34) and co-segregates with splice and frameshift variants in ATP11A, a phospholipid flippase gene.
Bassani S, van Beelen E, Rossel M, Voisin N, Morgan A, Arribat Y, Chatron N, Chrast J, Cocca M, Delprat B, Faletra F, Giannuzzi G, Guex N, Machavoine R, Pradervand S, Smits JJ, van de Kamp JM, Ziegler A, Amati F, Marlin S, Kremer H, Locher H, Maurice T, Gasparini P, Girotto G, Reymond A
Variants in USP48 encoding ubiquitin hydrolase are associated with autosomal dominant non-syndromic hereditary hearing loss.
Su X, Feng Y, Rahman SA, Wu S, Li G, Ruschendorf F, Zhao L, Cui H, Liang J, Fang L, Hu H, Froehler S, Yu Y, Patone G, Hummel O, Chen Q, Raile K, Luft FC, Bahring S, Hussain K, Chen W, Zhang J, Gong M
Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta mutations cause nonsyndromic sensorineural deafness and inner ear malformation.
Brownstein Z, Gulsuner S, Walsh T, Martins FTA, Taiber S, Isakov O, Lee MK, Bordeynik-Cohen M, Birkan M, Chang W, Casadei S, Danial-Farran N, Abu-Rayyan A, Carlson R, Kamal L, Arnthorsson AO, Sokolov M, Gilony D, Lipschitz N, Frydman M, Davidov B, Macarov M, Sagi M, Vinkler C, Poran H, Sharony R, Samra N, Zvi N, Baris-Feldman H, Singer A, Handzel O, Hertzano R, Ali-Naffaa D, Ruhrman-Shahar N, Madgar O, Sofrin-Drucker E, Peleg A, Khayat M, Shohat M, Basel-Salmon L, Pras E, Lev D, Wolf M, Steingrimsson E, Shomron N, Kelley MW, Kanaan MN, Allon-Shalev S, King MC, Avraham KB
Spectrum of genes for inherited hearing loss in the Israeli Jewish population, including the novel human deafness gene ATOH1.