KEGG   DISEASE: Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis
H00624                      Disease                                
Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis
Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis (PFIC) is a heterogeneous group of rare, genetic autosomal recessive disorders characterized by unremitting cholestasis and progression to liver failure. The course of the disease involves portal hypertension, liver failure, cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma along with several extra hepatic manifestations. The pathogenesis of PFIC revolves around defective bile acid synthesis, transport, and/or excretion.
Inherited metabolic disorder
Human diseases in ICD-11 classification [BR:br08403]
 05 Endocrine, nutritional or metabolic diseases
  Metabolic disorders
   Inborn errors of metabolism
    5C52  Inborn errors of lipid metabolism
     H00624  Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis
    5C58  Inborn errors of porphyrin or heme metabolism
     H00624  Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis
Pathway-based classification of diseases [BR:br08402]
 Cellular process
  nt06541  Cytoskeleton in neurons
   H00624  Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis
hsa04976  Bile secretion
hsa04979  Cholesterol metabolism
hsa04530  Tight junction
nt06541 Cytoskeleton in neurons
(PFIC1) ATP8B1 [HSA:5205] [KO:K01530]
(PFIC2) ABCB11 [HSA:8647] [KO:K05664]
(PFIC3) ABCB4 [HSA:5244] [KO:K05659]
(PFIC4) TJP2 [HSA:9414] [KO:K06098]
(PFIC5) NR1H4 [HSA:9971] [KO:K08537]
(PFIC6) SLC51A [HSA:200931] [KO:K14360]
(PFIC7) USP53 [HSA:54532] [KO:K27919]
(PFIC8) KIF12 [HSA:113220] [KO:K10399]
(PFIC9) ZFYVE19 [HSA:84936] [KO:K24778]
(PFIC10) MYO5B [HSA:4645] [KO:K10357]
(PFIC11) SEMA7A [HSA:8482] [KO:K06529]
(PFIC12) VPS33B [HSA:26276] [KO:K23281]
(PFIC13) PSKH1 [HSA:5681] [KO:K08808]
Maralixibat chloride [DR:D10952]
Odevixibat [DR:D11716]
Other DBs
ICD-11: 5C58.03 5C52.11
MeSH: D002780
OMIM: 211600 601847 602347 615878 617049 619484 619658 619662 619849 619868 619874 620010 620962
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Zhang J, Yang Y, Gong JY, Li LT, Li JQ, Zhang MH, Lu Y, Xie XB, Hong YR, Yu Z, Knisely AS, Wang JS
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PMID:34555379 (PFIC8)
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PMID:32737136 (PFIC9)
Luan W, Hao CZ, Li JQ, Wei Q, Gong JY, Qiu YL, Lu Y, Shen CH, Xia Q, Xie XB, Zhang MH, Abuduxikuer K, Li ZD, Wang L, Xing QH, Knisely AS, Wang JS
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PMID:27532546 (PFIC10)
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PMID:34585848 (PFIC11)
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PMID:31479177 (PFIC12)
Qiu YL, Liu T, Abuduxikuer K, Hao CZ, Gong JY, Zhang MH, Li LT, Yan YY, Li JQ, Wang JS
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PMID:39132680 (PFIC13)
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