Entry |
Name |
phenylpyruvate carboxy-lyase (phenylacetaldehyde-forming)
Definition |
Phenylpyruvate <=> Phenylacetaldehyde + CO2
Equation |
Reaction class |
Enzyme |
Pathway |
Brite |
Enzymatic reactions [BR:br08201]
4. Lyase reactions
4.1 Carbon-carbon lyases
4.1.1 Carboxy-lyases
R01377 Phenylpyruvate <=> Phenylacetaldehyde + CO2
R01377 Phenylpyruvate <=> Phenylacetaldehyde + CO2
Orthology |
K12732 | phenylpyruvate decarboxylase [EC:4.1.1.-] |
Reference |
Authors |
Hwang JY, Park J, Seo JH, Cha M, Cho BK, Kim J, Kim BG |
Title |
Simultaneous synthesis of 2-phenylethanol and L-homophenylalanine using aromatic transaminase with yeast Ehrlich pathway. |
Journal |
Other DBs |
LinkDB |