Entry |
Name |
carotenoid beta-end group lyase (decyclizing)
Definition |
gamma-Carotene <=> beta-Carotene
Equation |
Comment |
Reaction class |
Enzyme |
Pathway |
rn01110 | Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites |
Module |
M00097 | beta-Carotene biosynthesis, GGAP => beta-carotene |
Brite |
Enzymatic reactions [BR:br08201]
5. Isomerase reactions
5.5 Intramolecular lyases
5.5.1 Intramolecular lyases (only sub-subclass identified to date)
R03824 gamma-Carotene <=> beta-Carotene
Orthology |
Reference |
Authors |
Cunningham FX Jr, Pogson B, Sun Z, McDonald KA, DellaPenna D, Gantt E. |
Title |
Functional analysis of the beta and epsilon lycopene cyclase enzymes of Arabidopsis reveals a mechanism for control of cyclic carotenoid formation. |
Journal |
Reference |
Authors |
Maresca JA, Graham JE, Wu M, Eisen JA, Bryant DA |
Title |
Identification of a fourth family of lycopene cyclases in photosynthetic bacteria. |
Journal |
Other DBs |
LinkDB |