Background & aims: Many reports indicate that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have antineoplastic effects, but the precise molecular mechanism(s) responsible are unclear. We evaluated the effect of cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors (NSAIDs) on human colon carcinoma cells (HCA-7) and identified several genes that are regulated after treatment with NS-398, a selective COX-2 inhibitor.
Methods: Differential display polymerase chain reaction cloning techniques were used to identify genes regulated by treatment with NSAIDs and selective COX-2 inhibitors.
Results: A prostate apoptosis response 4 (Par-4) gene was up-regulated after NSAID treatment. Par-4 was first isolated from prostate carcinoma cells undergoing apoptosis, and expression of Par-4 sensitized cancer cells to apoptotic stimuli. Par-4 levels were increased in cells treated with COX inhibitors such as NS-398, nimesulide, SC-58125, and sulindac sulfide. Treatment of HCA-7 cells with these agents also induced apoptotic cell death.
Conclusions: The results suggest that regulation of Par-4 contributes to the proapoptotic effects of high-dose COX inhibitors (NSAIDs) by serving as a downstream mediator leading to initiation of programmed cell death.