Because of the importance of galectins for various cellular activities, the influence of the glucocorticoid budesonide on the level of expression of galectins-1 and -3 was investigated in human nasal polyposis. Ten nasal polyps obtained from surgical resection were maintained for 24 hours in the presence of various concentrations of budesonide. As quantitatively demonstrated by means of computer-assisted microscopy, 250 ng/ml (the highest dose tested) induced a pronounced increase of galectin-1 expression. This feature was observed in nasal polyps from allergic patients but not in those from nonallergic patients. Since eosinophils represent the main inflammatory cell population in nasal polyps, we investigated the effect of galectin-1 on their migration levels by means of quantitative phase-contrast computer-assisted videomicroscopy. Our results show that galectin-1 (coated on plastic supports) markedly reduced the migration levels of eosinophils in comparison to P-selectin. On the cellular level, marked modifications in the polymerization/depolymerization dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton (as revealed by means of computer-assisted fluorescence microscopy) and, to a much lesser extent, an increase in the adhesiveness of eosinophils to tested substrata were detectable. The present study therefore reveals a new galectin-1-mediated mechanism of action for glucocorticoid-mediated anti-inflammatory effects.