URL: http://antibodyregistry.org/AB_2629482
Proper Citation: (Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# D1306, RRID:AB_2629482)
Clonality: unknown
Comments: Discontinued; *This is not an antibody, it is a dye product so it was accepted as an entry to the antibody registry provisionally.
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{{ mention._source.dc.creators[0].familyName }} {{ mention._source.dc.creators[0].initials }}, et al. ({{ mention._source.dc.publicationYear }}) {{ mention._source.dc.title }} {{ mention._source.dc.publishers[0].name }}, {{ mention._source.dc.publishers[0].volume }}({{ mention._source.dc.publishers[0].issue }}), {{ mention._source.dc.publishers[0].pagination }}. (PMID:{{ mention._id.replace('PMID:', '') }})
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No rating or validation information has been found for RRID NOT VALID - THIS IS NOT AN ANTIBODY: DAPI (4',6-Diamidino-2-Phenylindole, Dihydrochloride).
Discontinued at Thermo Fisher Scientific
Source: Antibody Registry