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RRID:Addgene_62964 RRID Copied  
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Proper Citation: RRID:Addgene_62964

Insert Name: CD63 molecule

Organism: Homo sapiens

Bacterial Resistance: Kanamycin

Defining Citation: PMID:

Vector Backbone Description: Backbone Marker:Clontech; Backbone Size:4700; Vector Backbone:pEGFP C2; Vector Types:Mammalian Expression; Bacterial Resistance:Kanamycin

Comments: Examples of use: Blagoveshchenskaya AD, Hannah MJ, Allen S, Cutler DF. (2002) Selective and signal-dependent recruitment of membrane proteins to secretory granules formed by heterologously expressed von Willebrand factor. Mol Biol Cell 13:1582-1593. Bampton ET, Goemans CG, Niranjan D, Mizushima N, Tolkovsky AM. (2005) The dynamics of autophagy visualized in live cells: from autophagosome formation to fusion with endo/lysosomes. Autophagy 1: 23-36. Harrison-Lavoie KJ, Michaux G, Hewlett L, Kaur J, Hannah MJ, Lui-Roberts WW, Norman KE, Cutler DF. (2006) P-selectin and CD63 use different mechanisms for delivery to Weibel-Palade bodies. Traffic 7: 647-662. Babich V, Meli A, Knipe L, Dempster JE, Skehel P, Hannah MJ, Carter T. (2008) Selective release of molecules from Weibel-Palade bodies during a lingering kiss. Blood 111: 5282-5290. Babich V, Knipe L, Hewlett L, Meli A, Dempster J, Hannah MJ, Carter T. (2009) Differential effect of extracellular acidosis on the release and dispersal of soluble and membrane proteins secreted from the Weibel-Palade body.

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Source: Addgene