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RRID:CVCL_0030 RRID Copied  
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(TKG Cat# TKG 0331, RRID:CVCL_0030)
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URL: https://web.expasy.org/cellosaurus/CVCL_0030

Proper Citation: (TKG Cat# TKG 0331, RRID:CVCL_0030)


Sex: Female

Defining Citation: PMID:77569, PMID:1246620, PMID:1522048, PMID:2983228, PMID:2990217, PMID:3028716, PMID:3180844, PMID:3371749, PMID:3518877, PMID:4942173, PMID:5668122, PMID:6256643, PMID:6358339, PMID:6401685, PMID:6825208, PMID:6935474, PMID:8380785, PMID:9892199, PMID:10423141, PMID:11416159, PMID:11668190, PMID:12001993, PMID:12661003, PMID:12793746, PMID:13052828, PMID:13207312, PMID:13261081, PMID:14031339, PMID:14185313, PMID:15302935, PMID:15531914, PMID:15901131, PMID:16589695, PMID:17311676, PMID:19450234, PMID:19722756, PMID:19941903, PMID:21269460, PMID:21937730, PMID:22068331, PMID:22278370, PMID:22412903, PMID:23205564, PMID:23336012, PMID:23925224, PMID:23925245, PMID:24134916, PMID:24618588, PMID:24696503, PMID:24908793, PMID:25485619, PMID:25807930, PMID:25877200, PMID:25894527, PMID:25960936, PMID:26554430, PMID:26589293, PMID:27397505, PMID:28078501, PMID:28196595, PMID:28261610, PMID:28601559, PMID:29156801, PMID:30175587, PMID:30778230, PMID:30787054, PMID:30894373, PMID:31068700, PMID:31433507, PMID:31790455, PMID:33389257, PMID:35198691, PMID:35839778, PMID:37543987

Comments: Miscellaneous: HeLa is the most frequent contributor to cell lines contamination., Anecdotal: Was flown since the 1960s on at least ten different space missions: Korabl-Sputnik-2, Vostok-1, Vostok-4, Vostok-5 and Vostok-6, Voshkod 1 and Zond-5, Discoverer XVIII, Progress M-35/Mir and Shuttle STS-89., Anecdotal: The HeLa cell line and its story inspired Australian artist Cynthia Verspaget to embark in 2003 on a artistic project 'The Anarchy Cell Line' (TAnCL) where she mixed her blood with HeLa cells. This work later spawned a PhD thesis (CelloPub=CLPUB00376) where among other things she makes the observation that two main taxonomical distinctions present in the zombie, living/dead and human/nonhuman, are also present in the HeLa cell line., Anecdotal: The fascinating story of the HeLa cell line and of Henrietta Lacks from whom these cells originate are described in the book of Rebecca Skloot (CelloPub=CLPUB00377)., Anecdotal: The HeLa cell line which was established in February 1951 is the oldest human immortal cell line., Omics: Virome analysis using proteomics., Omics: Transcriptome analysis by single cell RNAseq., Omics: Transcriptome analysis by RNAseq., Omics: Transcriptome analysis by microarray., Omics: SNP array analysis., Omics: Secretome proteome analysis by 2D-DE/MS., Omics: Protein expression by reverse-phase protein arrays., Omics: Myristoylated proteins analysis by proteomics., Omics: Glycoproteome analysis by proteomics., Omics: Genome sequenced., Omics: DNA methylation analysis., Omics: Deep quantitative proteome analysis., Omics: Deep proteome analysis., Omics: Deep phosphoproteome analysis., Omics: Deep membrane proteome analysis., Omics: Deep exome analysis., Omics: Deep antibody staining analysis., Omics: CNV analysis., Omics: Cell surface proteome., Virology: Not susceptible to infection by SARS coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (COVID-19) (PubMed=33389257)., Virology: HeLa has 5 five HPV18 integration sites: three on normal chromosomes 8 at 8q24 and two on derivative chromosomes, der(5)t(5;22;8)(q11;q11q13;q24) and der(22)t(8;22) (q24;q13)., Population: African American., Part of: Naval Biosciences Laboratory (NBL) collection (transferred to ATCC in 1982)., Part of: MD Anderson Cell Lines Project., Part of: COSMIC cell lines project., Part of: Cancer Dependency Map project (DepMap) (includes Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia - CCLE)., Group: Space-flown cell line (cellonaut).

Category: Cancer cell line

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Discontinued: ATCC; CRL-7923


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Source: Cellosaurus