URL: https://web.expasy.org/cellosaurus/CVCL_6027
Proper Citation: (RRID:CVCL_6027)
Sex: Female
Defining Citation: PMID:327080, PMID:833871, PMID:978138, PMID:1067619, PMID:3518877, PMID:6197381, PMID:6582512, PMID:6864164, PMID:6933476, PMID:7175440, PMID:7509835, PMID:7646526, PMID:9670966, PMID:9692547, PMID:10766161, PMID:15009714, PMID:15467732, PMID:17308088, PMID:21725359, PMID:22178978, PMID:24576830, PMID:25485619, PMID:25877200, PMID:26589293
Comments: Omics: Transcriptome analysis by RNAseq., Omics: Transcriptome analysis by microarray., Omics: SNP array analysis., Omics: Deep exome analysis., Characteristics: Very highly pigmented., Population: Caucasian., From: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; New York; USA.
Category: Cancer cell line
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Source: Cellosaurus