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University of California at Los Angeles - Department of Energy Institute for Genomics and Proteomics (RRID:SCR_001921)
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URL: http://www.doe-mbi.ucla.edu/

Proper Citation: University of California at Los Angeles - Department of Energy Institute for Genomics and Proteomics (RRID:SCR_001921)

Description: The UCLA-DOE Institute for Genomics and Proteomics carries out research in bioenergy, structural biology, genomics and proteomics, consistent with the research mission of the United States Department of Energy. Major interests of the 12 Principal Investigators and 9 Associate Members include systems approaches to organisms, structural biology, bioinformatics, and bioenergetic systems. The Institute sponsors 5 Core Technology Centers, for X-ray and NMR structural determination, bioinformatics and computation, protein expression and purification, and biochemical instrumentation. Services offered by this Institute: - Databases: * DIP (The Database of Interacting Proteins): The DIPTM database catalogs experimentally determined interactions between proteins. It combines information from a variety of sources to create a single, consistent set of protein-protein interactions. * ProLinks Database of Functional Linkages: The Prolinks database is a collection of inference methods used to predict functional linkages between proteins. These methods include the Phylogenetic Profile method which uses the presence and absence of proteins across multiple genomes to detect functional linkages; the Gene Cluster method, which uses genome proximity to predict functional linkage; Rosetta Stone, which uses a gene fusion event in a second organism to infer functional relatedness; and the Gene Neighbor method, which uses both gene proximity and phylogenetic distribution to infer linkage. - Data-to-Structure Servers: * SAVEs Structure Verification Server * Merohedral Twinning Test Server * SER Surface Entropy Reduction Server * VERIFY3D Structure Verification Server * ERRAT Structure Verification Server - Structure-to-Function Servers: * ProKnow Protein Functionator * Hot Patch Functional Site Locator

Synonyms: UCLA-DOE

Resource Type: portal, data or information resource, database, organization portal, data computation service

Keywords: expression, functional linkage, gene, biochemical instrumentation, bioenergetic system, bioenergy, bioinformatic, computation, genome, genomic, nmr, organism, protein, protein-protein interaction, proteomic, purification, structural biology, x-ray

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