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RRID:SCR_002716 RRID Copied      
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Synapse Web Reconstruct (RRID:SCR_002716)
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URL: http://synapses.clm.utexas.edu/tools/reconstruct/reconstruct.stm

Proper Citation: Synapse Web Reconstruct (RRID:SCR_002716)

Description: A Windows (Win32) software application for montaging, aligning, tracing, measuring, and reconstructing objects from serial microscopic section images. The software is designed for microscopy in which section resolution is much less than section thickness, such as transmitted electron microscopy (EM) where the resolution is a few nanometers while the section thickness is many tens of nanometers. Reconstruct can easily handle series with hundreds of very large, high-resolution section images. It facilitates image cropping, scaling and alignment. Multiple images can be placed side-by-side to make a montage of a section from a mosaic of images. The alignment of adjacent sections can be rapidly compared by either blending the two sections or by flickering between them. Sections can be moved while blended. Reconstruct aids in the calibration of image size. Images taken at different magnifications can be combined, calibrated and aligned. Tools for tracing and editing of objects on sections are provided. Objects can be surfaced from the traces and previewed in an OpenGL-based 3D scene window. The 3D scene can be saved as a bitmap or as a VRML file.

Abbreviations: Reconstruct

Resource Type: data processing software, software resource, software application, image analysis software

Keywords: electron microscopy, align, alignment, calibrate, image cropping, measure, microscopy, montage, reconstruct, scale, serial section image, trace, image, crop

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