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DaliLite Pairwise comparison of protein structures (RRID:SCR_003047)
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URL: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/dalilite/indexhtml

Proper Citation: DaliLite Pairwise comparison of protein structures (RRID:SCR_003047)

Description: Tool that computes optimal and suboptimal structural alignments between two protein structures. It will compare all chains in the first structure against all chains in the second (unless specific chain IDs are given). The resulting superimposed coordinate files can be downloaded or viewed interactively in Jmol. The Dali method optimizes a weighted sum of similarities of intramolecular distances. Suboptimal alignments do not overlap the optimal alignment or each other. Suboptimal alignments detected by the program are reported if the Z-score is above 2; they may be of interest if there are internal repeats in either structure. SOAP Web services are also available.

Abbreviations: DaliLite

Synonyms: DaliLite - Pairwise alignment of protein structures

Resource Type: service resource, analysis service resource, web service, production service resource, data analysis service, data access protocol, software resource

Defining Citation: PMID:10980157

Keywords: pairwise alignment, protein structure, alignment, protein, structure

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European Bioinformatics Institute

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