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RRID:SCR_003511 RRID Copied      
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Structural Biology Grid (RRID:SCR_003511)
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URL: http://sbgrid.org/

Proper Citation: Structural Biology Grid (RRID:SCR_003511)

Description: Computing resources structural biologists need to discover the shapes of the molecules of life, it provides access to web-enabled structural biology applications, data sharing facilities, biological data sets, and other resources valuable to the computational structural biology community. Consortium includes X-ray crystallography, NMR and electron microscopy laboratories worldwide.SBGrid Service Center is located at Harvard Medical School.SBGrid's NIH-compliant Service Center supports SBGrid operations and provides members with access to Software Maintenance, Computing Access, and Training. Consortium benefits include: * remote management of your customized collection of structural biology applications on Linux and Mac workstations; * access to commercial applications exclusively licensed to members of the Consortium, such as NMRPipe, Schrodinger Suite (limited tokens) and the Incentive version of Pymol; remote management of supporting scientific applications (e.g., bioinformatics, computational chemistry and utilities); * access to SBGrid seminars and events; and * advice about hardware configurations, operating system installations and high performance computing. Membership is restricted to academic/non-profit research laboratories that use X-ray crystallography, 2D crystallography, NMR, EM, tomography and other experimental structural biology technologies in their research. Most new members are fully integrated with SBGrid within 2 weeks of the initial application.

Abbreviations: SBGrid

Synonyms: SBGrid Software Consortium, SBGrid Science Portal, SBGrid Consortium

Resource Type: computational hosting, data or information resource, data set, service resource, data repository, storage service resource

Defining Citation: PMID:22514186

Keywords: structure, x-ray crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance, electron microscopy, structural biology, software application, computation, chemistry, meeting, software service, molecule, data sharing, biomedical

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