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RRID:SCR_004186 RRID Copied      
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NeuroMatic (RRID:SCR_004186)
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URL: http://www.neuromatic.thinkrandom.com/

Proper Citation: NeuroMatic (RRID:SCR_004186)

Description: NeuroMatic is a collection of Igor Pro functions for analyzing electrophysiological data. By allowing users to organize their data into Sets and Groups, NeuroMatic makes it relatively easy to compute transformations and statistical analyses on their data, including scaling, alignment averaging, baseline subtraction, spike detection, stationarity analysis, rise-time computations, etc. Being open source and modular designed, NeuroMatic also allows users to develop their own analysis functions that can be easily incorporated into NeuroMatic's framework. Note, if you have reached this page in search of a freeware tool for neuronal reconstructions, you are more likely to be interested in Neuromantic, a software package that sounds like NeuroMatic, but is not quite the same. Features of NeuroMatic Include * Sorting, Scaling, Averaging, Interpolation * Max / Min / Mean / Level / Rise Time / FWHM / Slope Measurements * Stability / Stationarity Analysis * Event Detection * Waveform Template Matching * Spike Raster Plots * Interspike-Interval and Peri-Stimulus Time (PST) Histograms * Compact Easy-to-Use Interface * Modular design as a basis for your own procedures * Extra space for your own buttons and controls * Import functions for Axograph and Pclamp data * Automatic macro generation for batch processing Supporting Agencies: MRC, Wellcome Trust Spike, Event, Fit, NClamp, Acquisition, spike train, EPSP, IPSP, IPSC, EPSC

Synonyms: NeuroMatic

Resource Type: software resource, software application, data processing software, data analysis software

Defining Citation: PMID:29670519

Keywords: epsc, epsp, event, fit, acquisition, data management, ipsc, ipsp, nclamp, software, spike, spike train, bio.tools

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University College London; London; United Kingdom

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