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RRID:SCR_006695 RRID Copied      
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InterPro (RRID:SCR_006695)
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URL: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro

Proper Citation: InterPro (RRID:SCR_006695)

Description: Service providing functional analysis of proteins by classifying them into families and predicting domains and important sites. They combine protein signatures from a number of member databases into a single searchable resource, capitalizing on their individual strengths to produce a powerful integrated database and diagnostic tool. This integrated database of predictive protein signatures is used for the classification and automatic annotation of proteins and genomes. InterPro classifies sequences at superfamily, family and subfamily levels, predicting the occurrence of functional domains, repeats and important sites. InterPro adds in-depth annotation, including GO terms, to the protein signatures. You can access the data programmatically, via Web Services. The member databases use a number of approaches: # ProDom: provider of sequence-clusters built from UniProtKB using PSI-BLAST. # PROSITE patterns: provider of simple regular expressions. # PROSITE and HAMAP profiles: provide sequence matrices. # PRINTS provider of fingerprints, which are groups of aligned, un-weighted Position Specific Sequence Matrices (PSSMs). # PANTHER, PIRSF, Pfam, SMART, TIGRFAMs, Gene3D and SUPERFAMILY: are providers of hidden Markov models (HMMs). Your contributions are welcome. You are encouraged to use the ''''Add your annotation'''' button on InterPro entry pages to suggest updated or improved annotation for individual InterPro entries.

Abbreviations: InterPro

Synonyms: InterPro: protein sequence analysis & classification, InterPro protein sequence analysis and classification

Resource Type: service resource, data or information resource, analysis service resource, web service, database, production service resource, data analysis service, data access protocol, software resource

Defining Citation: PMID:22096229, PMID:21082426, PMID:18940856, PMID:18428686, PMID:18025686, PMID:17202162, PMID:16909843, PMID:15608177, PMID:12520011, PMID:12230031, PMID:11159333, PMID:11119311, PMID:11125043

Keywords: protein, classify, prediction, protein domain, genome, protein family, functional site, protein sequence, protein function, analysis, nucleic acid, amino acid, amino acid sequence, gold standard

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European Bioinformatics Institute

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