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RRID:SCR_006798 RRID Copied      
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NeuroSynth (RRID:SCR_006798)
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URL: http://neurosynth.org

Proper Citation: NeuroSynth (RRID:SCR_006798)

Description: Platform for large-scale, automated synthesis of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data extracted from published articles. It''s a website wrapped around a set of open-source Python and JavaScript packages. Neurosynth lets you run crude but useful analyses of fMRI data on a very large scale. You can: * Interactively visualize the results of over 3,000 term-based meta-analyses * Select specific locations in the human brain and view associated terms * Browse through the nearly 10,000 studies in the database Their ultimate goal is to enable dynamic real-time analysis, so that you''ll be able to select foci, tables, or entire studies for analysis and run a full-blown meta-analysis without leaving your browser. You''ll also be able to do things like upload entirely new images and obtain probabilistic estimates of the cognitive states most likely to be associated with the image.

Abbreviations: Neurosynth

Synonyms: Neurosynth.org

Resource Type: source code, software resource, data or information resource, database

Defining Citation: PMID:21706013

Keywords: activation foci, magnetic resonance imaging assay, brain, human, fmri, neuroimaging, python, image, functional neuroimaging, FASEB list

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