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RRID:SCR_010614 RRID Copied      
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URL: http://www.cartagene.qc.ca/en

Proper Citation: CARTaGENE (RRID:SCR_010614)

Description: As both the public health survey of Quebec, and the Quebec resource for scientists interested in personalized medicine, genomics and public health, this public resource operates under a governance framework and consists of a databank and a biobank. The database contains environmental, demographic and health data. The biobank contains DNA, blood and urine samples. Access to CARTaGENE will be granted to researchers who are seeking to better understand how genes interact with other genes, with the environment and with lifestyle factors. They have collected in-depth information on over 20 000 Quebecers, including 446 sociodemographic, life-style and health data, 190 physiological parameters, 22 types of biochemical analyses and 41 types of haematological analyses. They have also collected 11 types of blood, plasma, serum and urine samples from most participants. Genealogical reconstruction of recruited participants, in collaboration with BALSAC Project, is also possible. CARTaGENE data and samples include the following: Health Questionnaire, Physical measures, Biochemical and hematological analysis, Biological samples stored in the Biobank. CARTagene is currently contacting participants (who have agreed to be recontacted) to collect additional data on environmental exposure. Data on dietary habits will be collected during the second phase of this component which will begin soon. Any scientific researcher working in a public or private organization at the national or international level may apply for access to CARTaGENE samples or data.

Abbreviations: CARTaGENE

Resource Type: material resource, biomaterial supply resource

Keywords: dna, blood, urine, gene, environment, lifestyle, health, questionnaire, physical measure, biochemical analysis, hematological analysis, biological sample, longitudinal, diet

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