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RRID:SCR_014226 RRID Copied      
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MolProbity (RRID:SCR_014226)
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URL: http://molprobity.biochem.duke.edu

Proper Citation: MolProbity (RRID:SCR_014226)

Description: A structure-validation web application which provides an expert-system consultation about the accuracy of a macromolecular structure model, diagnosing local problems and enabling their correction. MolProbity works best as an active validation tool (used as soon as a model is available and during each rebuild/refine loop) and when used for protein and RNA crystal structures, but it may also work well for DNA, ligands and NMR ensembles. It produces coordinates, graphics, and numerical evaluations that integrate with either manual or automated use in systems such as PHENIX, KiNG, or Coot.

Resource Type: web application, software resource

Defining Citation: DOI:10.1107/S0907444909042073

Keywords: web application, consultation, macromolecular structure, structure validation, macromolecular crystallography

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Duke University; North Carolina; USA

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