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RRID:SCR_020218 RRID Copied      
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Leica CM1900 Cryostat (RRID:SCR_020218)
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URL: https://www.labx.com/product/leica-cm1900

Proper Citation: Leica CM1900 Cryostat (RRID:SCR_020218)

Description: Leica CM1900 is a rapid sectioning cryostat for advanced routine diagnostics in histology and clinical histopathology. This Leica cryostat offers extremely rapid specimen freezing and frequent changes in specimen temperature, meeting even the highest demands for smooth operation and enhanced safety. With the CM1900's overall engineering and ergonomic concept, the system provides accurate results for any cryostat application. The CM1900 is equipped with an ergonomically positioned handwheel for extremely smooth movement and easy locking in the upper position. The model also provides a functional control panel, which includes self-explanatory single-function keys and easily readable LEDs to prevent operating errors. The motorized coarse advance is ergonomically positioned in the arm rest at the left and operated via push buttons.

Resource Type: instrument resource

Keywords: Cryostat

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