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RRID:SCR_021322 RRID Copied      
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ChIPseeker (RRID:SCR_021322)
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URL: https://bioconductor.org/packages/ChIPseeker/

Proper Citation: ChIPseeker (RRID:SCR_021322)

Description: Software package to retrieve nearest genes around peak, annotate genomic region of peak, implements statstical methods for estimate significance of overlap among ChIP peak data sets, and incorporate GEO database for user to compare own dataset with those deposited in database.Several visualization functions are implemented to summarize coverage of peak experiment, average profile and heatmap of peaks binding to TSS regions, genomic annotation, distance to TSS, and overlap of peaks or genes.

Resource Type: software resource, software toolkit

Defining Citation: PMID:25765347

Keywords: Retrieve nearest genes around peak, annotate genomic region of peak, overlap estimate significance, ChIP peak data sets

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