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RRID:SCR_003931 RRID Copied      
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DataLad (RRID:SCR_003931)
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URL: http://datalad.org/

Proper Citation: DataLad (RRID:SCR_003931)

Description: Project to adapt model of open source software distributions to address technical limitations of data sharing and develop all components of data distribution. Builds on top of git-annex and extends it with intuitive command line interface. Enables users to operate on data using familiar concepts, such as files and directories, while transparently managing data access and authorization with underlying hosting providers. Can create DataLad datasets using any data files published on the web.

Abbreviations: DataLad

Synonyms: DataGit, Data Lad

Resource Type: software resource, portal, data or information resource

Defining Citation: DOI:10.21105/joss.03262

Keywords: Data sharing, aggregator, federated platform, distributed version control system, data set

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