Project: PRJNA531394
We measured 720 HeLa-CCL2 cells (288 from the 9th passage, 288 from the 14th passage and 144 from the 20th passage) in this work on an Illumina HiSeq 4000 platform (sequenced by Novogene, China) for 150 bp paired-end sequencing. The protocol was based on Tang’s modification on SMART-Seq2. Single cells were captured by mouth pipette under the stereomicroscope(Nikon SZM745)and followed by the protocol. Every cell was assigned with 250 M raw data on average. Overall design: We performed single cell RNA-seq of 720 HeLa CCL2, 288 from the 9th passage, 288 from the 14th passage and 144 from the 20th passage.