Examples: histone, BN000065

Project: PRJNA769141

Comparison of single cell RNAseq and single nucleus RNAseq on four healthy human liver caudate lobes, with cell-types validated using one slice of a fifth healthy human for VISIUM Spatial Transcriptomics. Raw UMI count tables can be found here: https://figshare.com/projects/Human_Liver_SC_vs_SN_paper/98981 Processed Seurat Objects can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sso15ehqmrrh6mk/AACKHOsSlZW0_Zy9cbCkOmMfa?dl=0 Overall design: Four healthy human liver caudate lobes were removed prior to transplantation into living recipients. A potion of each lobe was frozen then nuclei were extracted and sequenced with 10X Chromium while another portion was dissociated immediately while still fresh and isolated cells were sequenced with 10X Chromium.
