Project: PRJNA802678
Primary human endometrial stromal cells (HESCs) from three patients and the Telomerase-immortalized endometrial stromal cell line (THESC) were cultured in the cluture medium and collected for scRNA-Seq. 13 distinct cell clusters were identified among all the cells, which not only reflect the differences between the four samples, but also the heterogeneity within each sample divided into mature, proliferative and active fibroblast. The conserved transcriptomic changes from the three primary HESC were observed in comparison to the THESCs. Cell clustering with batch correction further indicate that the intrinsic cellular distribution were similar among all the primary HESCs and THESCs. These intrinsic cell clustering showed varaiable stages of cell cycle and a cell development lineage between proliferative and mature or active fibroblast. Overall design: Primary human endometrial stromal cells (HESCs) from three patients and the Telomerase-immortalized endometrial stromal cell line (THESC) were cultured in the culture medium and collected for scRNA-Seq.
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