
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-ZYGW Experiment name: Investigation of the membrane integrity of mycobacteria MIFlowCyt score: 52.63%
Primary researcher: CARINE SAO PI/manager: CARINE SAO Uploaded by: CARINE SAO
Experiment dates: 2017-02-01 - 2018-02-01 Dataset uploaded: Feb 2018 Last updated: Feb 2018
Keywords: [ergothioneine] [mycothiol] [gamma-glutamylcysteine] [mycobacterial membrane] [thiols secretion] Manuscripts: [29437626] Scientificdatanaturelogo Aaclogo
Organizations: Stellenbosch University, Biomedical Sciences, Cape Town, Western Cape (South Africa)
Purpose: Demonstrate that the membrane of some Mycobacterium tuberculosis mutants is not more damaged than the membrane of the wild type. Demonstrate that the detected extracellular thiols could be as a result of a secretion.
Conclusion: The membrane of tested thiol-defcient mutants is not more damaged than that of the wild type strain. Therefore the elevated extracellular thiols could result from a secretion.
Comments: The deficiency of one thiol results leads to an increased intracellular production and extracellular secretion of the other thiols in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Funding: The South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC), the DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Biomedical Tuberculosis Research, the Harry Crossley Foundation and Norvatis (Basel, Switzerland).
Quality control: Samples were washed twice and re-suspended in 150 mM NaCl.
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