-3.5 | | CG11438 | 'w-;lgl4.FRT40A/CyO.Actin–GFP, 108 hour AEL' vs 'wild type, 108 hour AEL' | genotype, time | Time Series gene expression profiling of Lethal Giant Larvae tumours in developing wings of Drosophila larvae |
-3.3 | | CG11438 | 'Max knockout; Myc overepxression' vs 'wild type phenotype' | phenotype | Myc-dependent transcriptome of Drosophila L3 larval wing imaginal discs, and its dependency on Max and/or the PAF1 complex component Atu/Leo1 |
-3 | | CG11438 | 'fas P218 mutation' vs 'wild type genotype' | genotype | RNA-seq of Drosophila embryos with P218 mutation in the faint sausage (fas) gene against wild-type controls to study the role fo fas in pre-mRNA splicing during embryogenesis |
-2.3 | | CG11438 | 'w-;lgl4.FRT40A/CyO.Actin–GFP, 180 hour AEL' vs 'wild type, 108 hour AEL' | genotype, time | Time Series gene expression profiling of Lethal Giant Larvae tumours in developing wings of Drosophila larvae |
2.2 | | CG11438 | 'Idgf3 overexpression' vs 'null mutant' in 'normal' | genetic modification, infect | A Drosophila chitinase-like protein has an immune function. |
-2.2 | | CG11438 | 'w-;lgl4.FRT40A/CyO.Actin–GFP, 204 hour AEL' vs 'wild type, 108 hour AEL' | genotype, time | Time Series gene expression profiling of Lethal Giant Larvae tumours in developing wings of Drosophila larvae |
-2.1 | | CG11438 | 'Max knockout' vs 'wild type phenotype' | phenotype | Myc-dependent transcriptome of Drosophila L3 larval wing imaginal discs, and its dependency on Max and/or the PAF1 complex component Atu/Leo1 |
-2.1 | | CG11438 | 'w-;lgl4.FRT40A/CyO.Actin–GFP, 228 hour AEL' vs 'wild type, 108 hour AEL' | genotype, time | Time Series gene expression profiling of Lethal Giant Larvae tumours in developing wings of Drosophila larvae |
-2.1 | | CG11438 | 'w-;lgl4.FRT40A/CyO.Actin–GFP, 276 hour AEL' vs 'wild type, 108 hour AEL' | genotype, time | Time Series gene expression profiling of Lethal Giant Larvae tumours in developing wings of Drosophila larvae |
-2.1 | | CG11438 | 'ENT2 partial mutant' vs 'wild type genotype' | genotype | Comparison of transcription profile of Adenosine receptor (AdoR) null mutant and adenosine transporter (ENT2) partial mutant in Drosophila melanogaster 3rd instar larvae |
-1.8 | | CG11438 | 'Max knockout; Atu knockdown' vs 'wild type phenotype' | phenotype | Myc-dependent transcriptome of Drosophila L3 larval wing imaginal discs, and its dependency on Max and/or the PAF1 complex component Atu/Leo1 |
-1.8 | | CG11438 | 'SPS2 knockdown' vs 'wild type' in 'larval stage' | developmental stage, genotype | Gene expression profiling of selenophosphate synthetase 2 knockdown in Drosophila melanogaster |
-1.8 | | CG11438 | 'w-;lgl4.FRT40A/CyO.Actin–GFP, 252 hour AEL' vs 'wild type, 108 hour AEL' | genotype, time | Time Series gene expression profiling of Lethal Giant Larvae tumours in developing wings of Drosophila larvae |
-1.7 | | CG11438 | 'Max knockout; Myc overexpression; Atu knockdown' vs 'wild type phenotype' | phenotype | Myc-dependent transcriptome of Drosophila L3 larval wing imaginal discs, and its dependency on Max and/or the PAF1 complex component Atu/Leo1 |
-1.6 | | CG11438 | 'pri -/- mutant' vs 'wild type' | genotype | Expression data in wt or mutant Drosophila melanogaster embryos |
-1.5 | | CG11438 | 'Ada2a delta 189' vs 'wild type genotype' | genotype | Transcription profiling by array of Gcn5 and Ada2a mutant Drosophila larve |
1.4 | | CG11438 | 'Nurf301-A/Nurf301-B/Nurf301-C knockout' vs 'wild type genotype' | genotype | Transcription profiling by array of Drosophila larvae mutant for Nurf301 |
-1.3 | | CG11438 | 'lethal giant larvae null mutant' vs 'wild type' | genotype | Transcription profiling by array of neoplastically transformed lgl mosaic wing imaginal disc epithelium of Drosophila melanogaster |
1.3 | | CG11438 | 'Erwinia carotovora carotovora 15' vs 'none' in 'Relish E20 mutant' | genotype, infect | Transcription profiling by array of tracheae from Drosophila mutants infected with Erwinia carotovora carotovora Ecc15 |
1.2 | | CG11438 | 'CA knockout with ovoD mutant' vs 'wild type' | genotype | Juvenile hormone regulation of Drosophila aging |
1.2 | | CG11438 | 'sterigmatocystin' vs 'Aspergillus nidulans wild type' at '24 hour' | growth condition, sampling time point | RNA-seq experiment of Drosophila melanogaster larvae reared on Aspergillus nidulans infested breeding substrate |
1.2 | | CG11438 | 'response to cold' vs 'normal conditions' at '3 week' | age, stimulus | Genome-wide transcriptome effects of reproductive diapause in Drosophila melanogaster. |
1.2 | | CG11438 | 'starvation' vs 'normal' in 'EP2449(precise excision)/KG08976(precise excision)' | diet, genotype | Transcription profiling by array of Drosophila larvae mutant for dHNF4 after starvation |
1.2 | | CG11438 | 'Erwinia carotovora carotovora 15' vs 'none' in 'wild type' | genotype, infect | Transcription profiling by array of tracheae from Drosophila mutants infected with Erwinia carotovora carotovora Ecc15 |
-1.1 | | CG11438 | 'Ets21C overexpression' vs 'control' | genetic modification | Transcriptional profiling of Drosophila neoplastic tumors to identify Ets21C dependent target genes |
-1 | | CG11438 | 'Aspergillus nidulans mutant laeA' vs 'control' at '24 hour' | growth condition, sampling time point | RNA-seq experiment of Drosophila melanogaster larvae reared on Aspergillus nidulans infested breeding substrate |
-1 | | CG11438 | 'SPS2 knockdown' vs 'wild type' in 'adult stage' | developmental stage, genotype | Gene expression profiling of selenophosphate synthetase 2 knockdown in Drosophila melanogaster |
1 | | CG11438 | 'homozygous for chico mutation' vs 'wild type' | genotype | Transcription profiling by array of Drosophila homozygous and heterozygous chico mutants |
-1 | | CG11438 | 'cycC mutant' vs 'wild type' | genotype | Transcription profiling by array of Drosophila melanogaster CDK8 and Cyclin C homozygous mutants, determined using Affymetrix GeneChip Drosophila Genome 2.0 Array |
1 | | CG11438 | 'response to cold' at '3 week' vs 'normal conditions' at '1 week' | age, stimulus | Genome-wide transcriptome effects of reproductive diapause in Drosophila melanogaster. |