Visual population receptive fields - macaque fMRI

Description: This collection contains population receptive fields (pRF's) for two monkeys. The same data was fit with four prf-models and 2 HRF's (canonical 'human' and monkey-specific). More details in forthcoming publication. The 4 pRF models are: 1) Linear pRF model, constrained on positive visual responses (the 'classic' model, Dumoulin & Wandell, 2008) [PLIN] 2) Linear, unconstrained to allow negative visual responses [ULIN] 3) Difference-of-Gaussians (Zuiderbaan et al., 2012) [DoG] 4) Nonlinear (compressive) spatial summation (Kay et al., 2013) [CSS] The 2 HRF are: 1) a canonical 'human' HRF [cHRF] 2) a monkey specific HRF derived from visually responsive voxels in a separate experiment [mHRF] Files are the fitted parameters of the 4 models fit to the averaged BOLD of multiple runs. More details in forthcoming manuscript, but the filenames are constructed as follows: <SUBJECT>_<MODEL>_<HRF>_<PARAMETER> SUBJECT: M1, M2. MODEL: PLIN, ULIN, DoG, CSS (see above). HRF: cHRF, mHRF (see above). PARAMETER (depends partially on model type): ANG: polar angle of pRF (dva). ECC: eccentricity of pRF (dva). X: x-coordinate of pRF (dva). Y: y-coordinate of pRF (dva). R2: R2-value of the model fit. RFS: pRF size (dva). GAIN: gain of pRF fit, negative means visually driven reduction of the BOLD response. EXPT (only for CSS model): static nonlinearity of spatial summation (see Kay et al., 2013). IRFS (only for DoG model): pRF size of inhibitory surround. NAMP (only for DoG model): normalized amplitude of inhibitory surround (to excitatory center. Non-brain voxels are (sometimes) marked with a -99 value.

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Add DateJune 4, 2020, 12:12 p.m.
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