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Disease definition

Vasculitis represents a clinically heterogenous group of diseases of multifactorial etiology characterized by inflammation of either large-sized vessels (large-vessel vasculitis, e.g. Giant-cell arteritis and Takayasu arteritis; see these terms), medium-sized vessels (medium-vessel vasculitis e.g. polyarteritis nodosa and Kawasaki disease; see these terms), or small-sized vessels (small-vessel vasculitis, e.g. granulomatosis with polyangiitis, microscopic polyangiitis, immunoglobulin A vasculitis, and cutaneous leukocytoclastic angiitis; see these terms). Vasculitis occurs at any age, may be acute or chronic, and manifests with general symptoms such as fever, weight loss and fatigue, as well as more specific clinical signs depending on the type of vessels and organs affected. The degree of severity is variable, ranging from life or sight threatening disease (e.g. Behçet disease, see this term) to relatively minor skin disease.


Classification level: Group of disorders

  • Systemic vasculitis

Prevalence: 1-9 / 100 000

Inheritance: -

Age of onset:

ICD-11: 4A44

UMLS: C0042384

MeSH: D014657

MedDRA: 10047115

A summary on this disease is available in Français, Español, Deutsch, Italiano, Nederlands, Русский,
Detailed information
General public
Article for general public
Norsk (2016) - PRINTO/PRES
עברית (2016) - PRINTO/PRES
Polski (2016) - PRINTO/PRES
Latviešu (2016) - PRINTO/PRES
Deutsch (2016) - PRINTO/PRES
Ελληνικά (2016) - PRINTO/PRES
English (2016) - PRINTO/PRES
Español (2016) - PRINTO/PRES
Nederlands (2016) - PRINTO/PRES
Türkçe (2016) - PRINTO/PRES
ไทย (2016) - PRINTO/PRES
বাংলা (2016) - PRINTO/PRES
Slovenščina (2016) - PRINTO/PRES
Slovenčina (2016) - PRINTO/PRES
Dansk (2016) - PRINTO/PRES
Српски (2016) - PRINTO/PRES
Čeština (2016) - PRINTO/PRES
Русский (2016) - PRINTO/PRES
Hrvatski (2016) - PRINTO/PRES
中文 (2016) - PRINTO/PRES
Română (2016) - PRINTO/PRES
Magyar (2016) - PRINTO/PRES
Italiano (2016) - PRINTO/PRES
العربية (2016) - PRINTO/PRES
Português (2016) - PRINTO/PRES
Emergency guidelines
Français (2021.pdf) - Orphanet Urgences

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The documents contained in this website are presented for information purposes only. The material is in no way intended to replace professional medical care by a qualified specialist and should not be used as a basis for diagnosis or treatment.