The chromatin factor ROW cooperates with BEAF-32 in regulating long-range inducible genes

EMBO Rep. 2022 Dec 6;23(12):e54720. doi: 10.15252/embr.202254720. Epub 2022 Oct 17.


Insulator proteins located at the boundaries of topological associated domains (TAD) are involved in higher-order chromatin organization and transcription regulation. However, it is still not clear how long-range contacts contribute to transcriptional regulation. Here, we show that relative-of-WOC (ROW) is essential for the long-range transcription regulation mediated by the boundary element-associated factor of 32kD (BEAF-32). We find that ROW physically interacts with heterochromatin proteins (HP1b and HP1c) and the insulator protein (BEAF-32). These proteins interact at TAD boundaries where ROW, through its AT-hook motifs, binds AT-rich sequences flanked by BEAF-32-binding sites and motifs. Knockdown of row downregulates genes that are long-range targets of BEAF-32 and bound indirectly by ROW (without binding motif). Analyses of high-throughput chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C) data reveal long-range interactions between promoters of housekeeping genes bound directly by ROW and promoters of developmental genes bound indirectly by ROW. Thus, our results show cooperation between BEAF-32 and the ROW complex, including HP1 proteins, to regulate the transcription of developmental and inducible genes through long-range interactions.

Keywords: Drosophila; gene regulation; heterochromatin proteins; insulator proteins; topological associated domains (TADs).

Publication types

  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

MeSH terms

  • Chromatin* / genetics


  • Chromatin

Associated data

  • GEO/GSE40646
  • GEO/GSE116883
  • GEO/GSE41354
  • GEO/GSE97965
  • GEO/GSE169415