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RRID:SCR_007830 RRID Copied      
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Olfactory Receptor DataBase (RRID:SCR_007830)
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URL: http://senselab.med.yale.edu/ordb/

Proper Citation: Olfactory Receptor DataBase (RRID:SCR_007830)

Description: Database of vertebrate olfactory receptors genes and proteins. It supports sequencing and analysis of these receptors by providing a comprehensive archive with search tools for this expanding family. The database also incorporates a broad range of chemosensory genes and proteins, including the taste papilla receptors (TPRs), vomeronasal organ receptors (VNRs), insect olfaction receptors (IORs), Caenorhabditis elegans chemosensory receptors (CeCRs), and fungal pheromone receptors (FPRs). ORDB currently houses chemosensory receptors for more than 50 organisms. ORDB contains public and private sections which provide tools for investigators to analyze the functions of these very large gene families of G protein-coupled receptors. It also provides links to a local cluster of databases of related information in SenseLab, and to other relevant databases worldwide. The database aims to house all of the known olfactory receptor and chemoreceptor sequences in both nucleotide and amino acid form and serves four main purposes: * It is a repository of olfactory receptor sequences. * It provides tools for sequence analysis. * It supports similarity searches (screens) which reduces duplicate work. * It provides links to other types of receptor information, e.g. 3D models. The database is accessible to two classes of users: * General public www users have full access to all the public sequences, models and resources in the database. * Source laboratories are the laboratories that clone olfactory receptors and submit sequences in the private or public database. They can search any sequence they deposited to the database against any private or public sequence in the database. This user level is suited for laboratories that are actively cloning olfactory receptors.

Abbreviations: ORDB

Synonyms: Olfactory Receptors Database

Resource Type: data or information resource, service resource, analysis service resource, data analysis service, database, data repository, storage service resource, production service resource

Defining Citation: PMID:11752336, PMID:9847223, PMID:9218144

Keywords: fungal, pheromone receptor, gene, chemosensory, chemosensory receptor, g protein-coupled receptor, olfaction receptor, protein, receptor, taste papilla receptor, vomeronasal organ receptor, olfactory receptor, nucleotide, amino acid, chemoreceptor sequence, olfactory receptor sequence, chemoreceptor, sequence

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