
Model Identifier
Short description




SBML level 2 code generated for the JWS Online project by Jacky Snoep using PySCeS
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To cite JWS Online please refer to: Olivier, B.G. and Snoep, J.L. (2004) Web-based modelling using JWS Online , Bioinformatics, 20:2143-2144







Biomodels Curation The model reproduces the flux value of "Gpp p" (rate of Glycerol synthesis) as depicted in Fig 3 of the paper. The model reproduces the flux for early exponential phase , however it can be used to reproduce the values for other phases by plugging in appropriate values for maximal rates as given in Table 1 and metabolite concentrations as given in Table 2 of the paper. The model was succesfully reproduced using Jarnac.

Related Publication
  • Metabolic control analysis of glycerol synthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
  • Garth R Cronwright, Johann M Rohwer, Bernard A Prior
  • Applied and environmental microbiology , 9/ 2002 , Volume 68 , Issue 9 , pages: 4448-4456 , PubMed ID: 12200299
Submitter of the first revision: Nicolas Le Novère
Submitter of this revision: Lucian Smith
Curator: Lucian Smith
Modeller: Nicolas Le Novère

Metadata information

is (3 statements)
BioModels Database BIOMD0000000076
Gene Ontology glycerol biosynthetic process
BioModels Database MODEL6624139162

isDescribedBy (1 statement)
PubMed 12200299

hasTaxon (1 statement)
isPartOf (1 statement)
hasProperty (1 statement)
Mathematical Modelling Ontology Ordinary differential equation model

Curation status

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