
Model Identifier
Short description

The model reproduces the oscillations for mRNA and protein species as depicted in Fig 3 of the plot. The model differs slightly from that given in the paper and this was made after a communication from the authors. The values of parameters tcvriclkp, tcdvpmt and dccpt are slightly different. Also, although it is not given in the paper, rate laws for reactions re20, re28, re35, re42, re43 and re45 are multiplied by a specie. Model was successfully tested on MathSBML

To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this encoded model have been dedicated to the public domain worldwide. Please refer to CC0 Public Domain Dedication for more information.

In summary, you are entitled to use this encoded model in absolutely any manner you deem suitable, verbatim, or with modification, alone or embedded it in a larger context, redistribute it, commercially or not, in a restricted way or not.

To cite BioModels Database, please use: Li C, Donizelli M, Rodriguez N, Dharuri H, Endler L, Chelliah V, Li L, He E, Henry A, Stefan MI, Snoep JL, Hucka M, Le Novère N, Laibe C (2010) BioModels Database: An enhanced, curated and annotated resource for published quantitative kinetic models. BMC Syst Biol., 4:92.

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Submitter of the first revision: Harish Dharuri
Submitter of this revision: Lucian Smith
Curator: Lucian Smith
Modeller: Harish Dharuri

Metadata information

is (4 statements)
BioModels Database BIOMD0000000160
Gene Ontology circadian rhythm
Gene Ontology regulation of circadian sleep/wake cycle, sleep
BioModels Database MODEL1029395046

isDescribedBy (1 statement)
PubMed 17157878

hasTaxon (1 statement)
isPartOf (1 statement)
hasProperty (1 statement)
Mathematical Modelling Ontology Ordinary differential equation model

Curation status

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