described in: Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling of caffeine: Tolerance to pressor effects
Shi J, Benowitz NL, Denaro CP and Sheiner LB. ;Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 1993 Jan;53(1):6-14. PMID:8422743;
We propose a parametric pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model for caffeine that quantifies the development of tolerance to the pressor effect of the drug and characterizes the mean behavior and inter-individual variation of both pharmacokinetics and pressor effect. Our study in a small group of subjects indicates that acute tolerance develops to the pressor effect of caffeine and that both the pressor effect and tolerance occur after some time delay relative to changes in plasma caffeine concentration. The half-life of equilibration of effect with plasma caffeine concentration is about 20 minutes. The half-life of development and regression of tolerance is estimated to be about 1 hour, and the model suggests that tolerance, at its fullest, causes more than a 90 percent reduction of initial (nontolerant) effect. Whereas tolerance to the pressor effect of caffeine develops in habitual coffee drinkers, the pressor response is regained after relatively brief periods of abstinence. Because of the rapid development and regression of tolerance, the pressor response to caffeine depends on how much caffeine is consumed, the schedule of consumption, and the elimination half-life of caffeine.
Caffeine intake in this version is modelled as cups of coffee drunk at regular intervals (parameter t_interval). The amount of caffeine per cup is determined by the parameter cupsize. The body weight of the person drinking is given by the parameter bodyweight.
The even coffee cup occures delayed to the drinking of each cup, as the availability of the caffeine in the digestive tract is assumed to be delayed to the ingestion by the time t_lag.
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Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling of caffeine: tolerance to pressor effects.
- J Shi, N L Benowitz, C P Denaro, L B Sheiner
- Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics , 1/ 1993 , Volume 53 , Issue 1 , pages: 6-14 , PubMed ID: 8422743
Submitter of this revision: Lucian Smith
Curator: Lucian Smith
Modeller: Lukas Endler
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