Deprecated MNXref IDs graph |
Identifier | Description |
rhea:16841 rheaR:16841 | 1 chebi:58827@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:59789@rheaC:comp <?> 1 chebi:15378@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:57856@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:58561@rheaC:comp |
rhea:16842 rheaR:16842 | 1 chebi:58827@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:59789@rheaC:comp --> 1 chebi:15378@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:57856@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:58561@rheaC:comp |
rhea:16843 rheaR:16843 | 1 chebi:58827@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:59789@rheaC:comp <-- 1 chebi:15378@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:57856@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:58561@rheaC:comp |
rhea:16844 rheaR:16844 | 1 chebi:58827@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:59789@rheaC:comp <=> 1 chebi:15378@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:57856@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:58561@rheaC:comp |
metacyc.reaction: metacycR: | 1 metacycM:S-ADENOSYLMETHIONINE@cco:CCO-IN + 1 metacycM:DIHYDROSIROHYDROCHLORIN@cco:CCO-IN --> 1 metacycM:PROTON@cco:CCO-IN + 1 metacycM:ADENOSYL-HOMO-CYS@cco:CCO-IN + 1 metacycM:CPD-642@cco:CCO-IN |
seed.reaction:rxn02775 seedR:rxn02775 | S-adenosyl-L-methionine:precorrin-4 C20-methyltransferase R03948 S-Adenosyl-L-methionine:precorrin-4 C20-methyltransferase S-adenosyl-L-methionine--precorrin-2 methyltransferase precorrin-2 C20-methyltransferase 1 seedM:cpd00017@seedC:0 + 1 seedM:cpd01620@seedC:0 = 1 seedM:cpd00019@seedC:0 + 1 seedM:cpd00067@seedC:0 + 1 seedM:cpd03420@seedC:0 |
MNXR145911 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR189776 (1 MNXM1102072@MNXD1 + 1 MNXM739346@MNXD1 = 1 MNXM1102167@MNXD1 + 1 MNXM1290@MNXD1 + 8 MNXM1@MNXD1) |
MNXR189777 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR189776 (1 MNXM1102072@MNXD1 + 1 MNXM739346@MNXD1 = 1 MNXM1102167@MNXD1 + 1 MNXM1290@MNXD1 + 8 MNXM1@MNXD1) |
MNXR102394 | is deprecated and replaced by this entry |
MNXR32098 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR102394 |
MNXR4115 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR102394 |
MNXR102394 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR145911 |
MNXR145911 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR189777 |