Deprecated MNXref IDs graph |
Identifier | Description |
rhea:29719 rheaR:29719 | 1 chebi:60488@rheaC:in <?> 1 chebi:60488@rheaC:out |
rhea:29720 rheaR:29720 | 1 chebi:60488@rheaC:in --> 1 chebi:60488@rheaC:out |
rhea:29721 rheaR:29721 | 1 chebi:60488@rheaC:in <-- 1 chebi:60488@rheaC:out |
rhea:29722 rheaR:29722 | 1 chebi:60488@rheaC:in <=> 1 chebi:60488@rheaC:out |
bigg.reaction:EX_cbl1_e biggR:EX_cbl1_e | Cob(I)alamin exchange 1 biggM:cbl1@BOUNDARY = 1 biggM:cbl1@biggC:e |
seed.reaction:rxn28562 seedR:rxn28562 | RXN0-1565.cp RXN0-2121.ce 1 seedM:cpd00635@seedC:1 = 1 seedM:cpd00635@seedC:0 |
seed.reaction:rxn28561 seedR:rxn28561 | RXN0-2121.ce RXN0-1565.cp 1 seedM:cpd00635@seedC:1 = 1 seedM:cpd00635@seedC:0 |
bigg.reaction:R_EX_cbl1_e biggR:R_EX_cbl1_e | secondary/obsolete/fantasy identifier |
MNXR123114 | is deprecated and replaced by this entry |
MNXR189338 | is deprecated and replaced by this entry |
MNXR82491 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR123114 |
MNXR98326 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR123114 |
MNXR123114 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR189338 |