Deprecated MNXref IDs graph |
Identifier | Description |
rhea:29867 rheaR:29867 | 1 chebi:456215@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:61402@rheaC:comp <?> 1 chebi:456216@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:58280@rheaC:comp |
rhea:29868 rheaR:29868 | 1 chebi:456215@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:61402@rheaC:comp --> 1 chebi:456216@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:58280@rheaC:comp |
rhea:29869 rheaR:29869 | 1 chebi:456215@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:61402@rheaC:comp <-- 1 chebi:456216@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:58280@rheaC:comp |
rhea:29870 rheaR:29870 | 1 chebi:456215@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:61402@rheaC:comp <=> 1 chebi:456216@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:58280@rheaC:comp |
bigg.reaction:ADK4 biggR:ADK4 | Adentylate kinase (ITP) 1 biggM:adp@biggC:c + 1 biggM:idp@biggC:c = 1 biggM:amp@biggC:c + 1 biggM:itp@biggC:c |
bigg.reaction:ADK4m biggR:ADK4m | Adentylate kinase ITP mitochondrial 1 biggM:adp@biggC:m + 1 biggM:idp@biggC:m = 1 biggM:amp@biggC:m + 1 biggM:itp@biggC:m |
seed.reaction:rxn30085 seedR:rxn30085 | Adenylate kinase 2 ADK2_3 adentylate kinase (ITP) 1 seedM:cpd00018@seedC:0 + 1 seedM:cpd00067@seedC:0 + 1 seedM:cpd00068@seedC:0 = 1 seedM:cpd00008@seedC:0 + 1 seedM:cpd00090@seedC:0 |
seed.reaction:rxn08067 seedR:rxn08067 | adentylate kinase (ITP) ADK4 Adenylate kinase 2 1 seedM:cpd00018@seedC:0 + 1 seedM:cpd00067@seedC:0 + 1 seedM:cpd00068@seedC:0 = 1 seedM:cpd00008@seedC:0 + 1 seedM:cpd00090@seedC:0 |
bigg.reaction:R_ADK4 bigg.reaction:R_ADK4m biggR:R_ADK4 biggR:R_ADK4m | secondary/obsolete/fantasy identifier |
MNXR152874 | is deprecated and replaced by this entry |
MNXR152873 | is deprecated and replaced by this entry |
MNXR190164 | is deprecated and replaced by this entry |
MNXR54977 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR95453 |
MNXR68284 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR95453 |
MNXR95453 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR152873 |
MNXR95453 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR152874 |
MNXR152873 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR190164 |
MNXR152874 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR190164 |