Deprecated MNXref IDs graph |
Identifier | Description |
rhea:24836 rheaR:24836 | 1 chebi:15740@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:30616@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:58475@rheaC:comp <?> 1 chebi:43474@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:456216@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:58467@rheaC:comp |
rhea:24837 rheaR:24837 | 1 chebi:15740@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:30616@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:58475@rheaC:comp --> 1 chebi:43474@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:456216@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:58467@rheaC:comp |
rhea:24838 rheaR:24838 | 1 chebi:15740@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:30616@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:58475@rheaC:comp <-- 1 chebi:43474@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:456216@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:58467@rheaC:comp |
rhea:24839 rheaR:24839 | 1 chebi:15740@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:30616@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:58475@rheaC:comp <=> 1 chebi:43474@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:456216@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:58467@rheaC:comp |
seed.reaction:rxn04784 seedR:rxn04784 | 5-formaminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-beta-D-ribofuranosyl 5'-monophosphate synthetase 5'-monophosphate synthetase 5-formaminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-beta-D-ribofuranosyl FICAR synthetase R06975 formate:5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide ligase (ADP-forming) phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamide formyltransferase 2 1 seedM:cpd00002@seedC:0 + 1 seedM:cpd00047@seedC:0 + 1 seedM:cpd02851@seedC:0 = 1 seedM:cpd00008@seedC:0 + 1 seedM:cpd00009@seedC:0 + 1 seedM:cpd02884@seedC:0 |
bigg.reaction:AICART2 biggR:AICART2 | AICART2 1 biggM:adp@biggC:c + 1 biggM:fprica@biggC:c + 1 biggM:pi@biggC:c = 1 biggM:aicar@biggC:c + 1 biggM:atp@biggC:c + 1 biggM:for@biggC:c |
metacyc.reaction:RXN-10066 metacycR:RXN-10066 | RXN-10066 FICAR synthetase 1 metacycM:AICAR@cco:CCO-IN + 1 metacycM:FORMATE@cco:CCO-IN + 1 metacycM:ATP@cco:CCO-IN --> 1 metacycM:PHOSPHORIBOSYL-FORMAMIDO-CARBOXAMIDE@cco:CCO-IN + 1 metacycM:ADP@cco:CCO-IN + 1 metacycM:Pi@cco:CCO-IN |
kegg.reaction:R06975 keggR:R06975 | formate:5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide ligase (ADP-forming) 5-formaminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-beta-D-ribofuranosyl 5'-monophosphate synthetase Formate + ATP + 1-(5'-Phosphoribosyl)-5-amino-4-imidazolecarboxamide <=> ADP + Orthophosphate + 1-(5'-Phosphoribosyl)-5-formamido-4-imidazolecarboxamide 1 keggC:C00058@IN + 1 keggC:C00002@IN + 1 keggC:C04677@IN <=> 1 keggC:C00008@IN + 1 keggC:C00009@IN + 1 keggC:C04734@IN |
bigg.reaction:R_AICART2 biggR:R_AICART2 | secondary/obsolete/fantasy identifier |
MNXR95640 | is deprecated and replaced by this entry |
MNXR190629 | is deprecated and replaced by this entry |
MNXR589 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR95640 |
MNXR95640 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR190629 |