Deprecated MNXref IDs graph |
Identifier | Description |
rhea:24028 rheaR:24028 | 1 chebi:15379@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:16244@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:16810@rheaC:comp <?> 1 chebi:16526@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:17126@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:30031@rheaC:comp |
rhea:24029 rheaR:24029 | 1 chebi:15379@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:16244@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:16810@rheaC:comp --> 1 chebi:16526@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:17126@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:30031@rheaC:comp |
rhea:24030 rheaR:24030 | 1 chebi:15379@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:16244@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:16810@rheaC:comp <-- 1 chebi:16526@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:17126@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:30031@rheaC:comp |
rhea:24031 rheaR:24031 | 1 chebi:15379@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:16244@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:16810@rheaC:comp <=> 1 chebi:16526@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:17126@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:30031@rheaC:comp |
sabiork.reaction:2337 sabiorkR:2337 | 2337 1 sabiorkM:1264@IN + 1 sabiorkM:1922@IN + 1 sabiorkM:5425@IN = 1 sabiorkM:1266@IN + 1 sabiorkM:1924@IN + 1 sabiorkM:3872@IN |
seed.reaction:rxn39339 seedR:rxn39339 | 4-Trimethylammoniobutanoate,2-oxoglutarate:oxygen oxidoreductase (3-hydroxylating) 1 seedM:cpd00007@seedC:0 + 1 seedM:cpd00024@seedC:0 + 1 seedM:cpd00870@seedC:0 = 1 seedM:cpd00011@seedC:0 + 1 seedM:cpd00036@seedC:0 + 1 seedM:cpd19003@seedC:0 |
kegg.reaction:R02397 keggR:R02397 | 4-Trimethylammoniobutanoate,2-oxoglutarate:oxygen oxidoreductase (3-hydroxylating) 4-Trimethylammoniobutanoate + 2-Oxoglutarate + Oxygen <=> Carnitine + Succinate + CO2 1 keggC:C01181@IN + 1 keggC:C00026@IN + 1 keggC:C00007@IN <=> 1 keggC:C00487@IN + 1 keggC:C00042@IN + 1 keggC:C00011@IN |
MNXR96215 | is deprecated and replaced by this entry |
MNXR96215 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR153089 (1 MNXM1105737@MNXD1 + 1 MNXM13@MNXD1 + 1 MNXM25@MNXD1 = 1 MNXM20@MNXD1 + 1 MNXM735438@MNXD1 + 1 MNXM738927@MNXD1) |
MNXR139101 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR96215 |
MNXR65975 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR96215 |
MNXR19210 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR96215 |
MNXR84942 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR96215 |
MNXR141141 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR96215 |
MNXR33463 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR96215 |
MNXR79558 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR96215 |