Deprecated MNXref IDs graph |
Identifier | Description |
rhea:44984 rheaR:44984 | 1 chebi:16347@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:57345@rheaC:comp <?> 1 chebi:57287@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:70819@rheaC:comp |
rhea:44985 rheaR:44985 | 1 chebi:16347@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:57345@rheaC:comp --> 1 chebi:57287@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:70819@rheaC:comp |
rhea:44986 rheaR:44986 | 1 chebi:16347@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:57345@rheaC:comp <-- 1 chebi:57287@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:70819@rheaC:comp |
rhea:44987 rheaR:44987 | 1 chebi:16347@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:57345@rheaC:comp <=> 1 chebi:57287@rheaC:comp + 1 chebi:70819@rheaC:comp |
bigg.reaction:C50CPT1 biggR:C50CPT1 | Production of isovalerylcarnitine 1 biggM:coa@biggC:c + 1 biggM:ivcrn@biggC:c = 1 biggM:crn@biggC:c + 1 biggM:ivcoa@biggC:c |
bigg.reaction:R_C50CPT1 biggR:R_C50CPT1 | secondary/obsolete/fantasy identifier |
MNXR96421 | is deprecated and replaced by this entry |
MNXR190755 | is deprecated and replaced by this entry |
MNXR93373 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR96421 |
MNXR96421 | is deprecated and replaced by MNXR190755 |