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RRID:SCR_002989 RRID Copied      
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BioPerl (RRID:SCR_002989)
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URL: http://www.bioperl.org

Proper Citation: BioPerl (RRID:SCR_002989)

Description: BioPerl is a community effort to produce Perl code which is useful in biology. This toolkit of perl modules is useful in building bioinformatics solutions in Perl. It is built in an object-oriented manner so that many modules depend on each other to achieve a task. The collection of modules in the bioperl-live repository consist of the core of the functionality of bioperl. Additionally auxiliary modules for creating graphical interfaces (bioperl-gui), persistent storage in RDMBS (bioperl-db), running and parsing the results from hundreds of bioinformatics applications (Run package), software to automate bioinformatic analyses (bioperl-pipeline) are all available as Git modules in our repository. The BioPerl toolkit provides a library of hundreds of routines for processing sequence, annotation, alignment, and sequence analysis reports. It often serves as a bridge between different computational biology applications assisting the user to construct analysis pipelines. This chapter illustrates how BioPerl facilitates tasks such as writing scripts summarizing information from BLAST reports or extracting key annotation details from a GenBank sequence record. BioPerl includes modules written by Sohel Merchant of the GO Consortium for parsing and manipulating OBO ontologies. Platform: Windows compatible, Mac OS X compatible, Linux compatible, Unix compatible

Abbreviations: BioPerl

Resource Type: data or information resource, software resource, narrative resource, software toolkit, software repository, wiki, source code

Defining Citation: PMID:12368254, DOI:10.1101/gr.361602

Keywords: perl, biology, ontology, library, sequence, analysis, computational, application, pipeline, bioinformatics, sequence, annotation, module, life science, python, java, genome, software library, parse, manipulate, bio.tools

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