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RRID:SCR_005497 RRID Copied      
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WHAM (RRID:SCR_005497)
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URL: http://research.cs.wisc.edu/wham/

Proper Citation: WHAM (RRID:SCR_005497)

Description: THIS RESOURCE IS NO LONGER IN SERVICE. Documented on February 28,2023. High-throughput sequence alignment tool that aligns short DNA sequences (reads) to the whole human genome at a rate of over 1500 million 60bps reads per hour, which is one to two orders of magnitudes faster than the leading state-of-the-art techniques. Feature list for the current version (v 0.1.5) of WHAM: * Supports paired-end reads * Supports up to 5 errores * Supports alignments with gaps * Supports quality scores for filtering invalid alignments, and sorting valid alignments * finds ALL valid alignments * Supports multi-threading * Supports rich reporting modes * Supports SAM format output

Abbreviations: WHAM

Synonyms: Wisconsin?s High-throughput Alignment Method

Resource Type: software resource

Keywords: bio.tools

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University of Wisconsin-Madison; Wisconsin; USA

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