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RRID:SCR_005579 RRID Copied      
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Unipro UGENE (RRID:SCR_005579)
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URL: http://ugene.unipro.ru/

Proper Citation: Unipro UGENE (RRID:SCR_005579)

Description: A multiplatform open-source software to assist molecular biologists without much expertise in bioinformatics to manage, analyze and visualize their data. UGENE integrates widely used bioinformatics tools within a common user interface. The toolkit supports multiple biological data formats and allows the retrieval of data from remote data sources. It provides visualization modules for biological objects such as annotated genome sequences, Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) assembly data, multiple sequence alignments, phylogenetic trees and 3D structures. Most of the integrated algorithms are tuned for maximum performance by the usage of multithreading and special processor instructions. UGENE includes a visual environment for creating reusable workflows that can be launched on local resources or in a High Performance Computing (HPC) environment. UGENE is written in C++ using the Qt framework. The built-in plugin system and structured UGENE API make it possible to extend the toolkit with new functionality.

Abbreviations: UGENE

Resource Type: software resource, software toolkit

Defining Citation: PMID:22368248, DOI:10.1093/bioinformatics/bts091

Keywords: c++, windows, mac os, linux, bio.tools

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