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Crux tandem mass spectrometry analysis software (RRID:SCR_010648)
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URL: http://noble.gs.washington.edu/proj/crux/

Proper Citation: Crux tandem mass spectrometry analysis software (RRID:SCR_010648)

Description: A software toolkit for tandem mass spectrometry analysis, with a focus on peptide identification. Crux analyzes shotgun proteomics tandem mass spectra, associating peptides with observed spectra. This software toolkit for tandem mass spectrometry analysis, with a focus on peptide identification is provided as a single executable. Crux is implemented in C and is distributed with source code freely to noncommercial users. Mass spectrometry, the core technology in the field of proteomics, promises to enable scientists to identify and quantify the entire complement of proteins in a complex biological sample. Currently, the primary bottleneck in this type of experiment is computational. Existing algorithms for interpreting mass spectra are slow and fail to identify a large proportion of the given spectra. We describe a database search program called Crux that reimplements and extends the widely used database search program Sequest. For speed, Crux uses a peptide indexing scheme to rapidly retrieve candidate peptides for a given spectrum. For each peptide in the target database, Crux generates shuffled decoy peptides on the fly, providing a good null model and, hence, accurate false discovery rate estimates. Crux also implements two recently described postprocessing methods: a p value calculation based upon fitting a Weibull distribution to the observed scores, and a semisupervised method that learns to discriminate between target and decoy matches. Both methods significantly improve the overall rate of peptide identification.

Synonyms: Crux

Resource Type: software resource

Defining Citation: PMID:18505281, DOI:10.1021/pr500741y

Keywords: proteomics, software toolkit, source code, bio.tools

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University of Washington; Seattle; USA

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