Namespace: UniProt Knowledgebase

General Information

NameUniProt Knowledgebase
DescriptionThe UniProt Knowledgebase (UniProtKB) is a comprehensive resource for protein sequence and functional information with extensive cross-references to more than 120 external databases. Besides amino acid sequence and a description, it also provides taxonomic data and citation information.
Local Unique Identifier (LUI) pattern^([A-N,R-Z][0-9]([A-Z][A-Z, 0-9][A-Z, 0-9][0-9]){1,2})|([O,P,Q][0-9][A-Z, 0-9][A-Z, 0-9][A-Z, 0-9][0-9])(\.\d+)?$
Prefix embedded in LUINo
Legacy registry identifierMIR:00000005

Identification schemes

Registry URI
Sample URL
Sample Compact identifieruniprot:P0DP23
Sample ID (LUI)P0DP23


Empty provider code



NameUniversal Protein Resource using Persistent URL system
DescriptionUniversal Protein Resource using Persistent URL system
URL Pattern{$id}
Home URL
Has protected URLsNo
LocationUnited Kingdom
Sample ID (LUI) P0DP23
InstitutionUniProt Consortium
Institution ROR IDUnknown



NameUniProt through NCBI
DescriptionUniProt through NCBI
URL Pattern{$id}
Home URL
Has protected URLsNo
LocationUnited States
Sample ID (LUI) P0DP23
InstitutionNational Center for Biotechnology Information
Institution ROR ID
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